|05| Mr. Know-it-all

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I opened my mouth to give a sarcastic remark, but closed it when I couldn't think of one. I probably looked like a fish. Getting caught off guard was at the top of my not-to-do ist.

Raising her eyebrows in an almost mocking way and leaning against the window frame, she made a motion for me to start talking. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Now don't act like that, Robin" she basically spat my name "You're the one outside of my window doing gods know what." for emphasis she threw her hands in the air. "Is this what you usually do? Spying on poor, innocent girls?" now it was her, who narrowed her eyes. "I can't believe that some people actually crush on you..." I heard her mutter, probably thinking I couldn't hear her.

I scoffed "At least I do something for Gotham, not like you!" she rolled her eyes "Are you encouraging me to start acting like a heroine? You want me to go out and jump from building to building and die in the process because I suck at jumping? Wow, what a great idea!"

I bit my tongue, she's just a civilian

"If I die, make sure to add 'Robin thought it was a good idea!' on my tombstone!" we were both glaring at each other, the dislike burning evident in her eyes, and I'm sure mine mirrored hers. It was like looking at a storm beginning to slowly form, sneaking up behind you and making you realise, that it was already too late to run.

Her eyes flashed and suddenly they seemed brighter, almost as if they were faintly glowing-

and then, just like that, it was gone, leaving no evidence behind

Did I imagine it?

Or did her eye colour just change?

I breathed in trying to get my anger under control and grit out "If you really want to know" I was interrupted by her making a 'duh' noise "after I was so rudely interrupted" she flipped me off. "I was just checking on what someone is staying so late up for" I saw her quickly glance at her clock.

"I would like to inform you, that one am is not late! And there is this thing called privacy. Though that might not be part of your vocabulary, seeing as it practically is your hobby to snoop in other people's business. Which isn't always a good thing!"

"It's impossible to talk to you!" I growled out "No one asked you to!" she shot back.

That's it!

I turned around and made a move to jump down, it wasn't that high anyway. I could also reduce the impact by doing a role when hitting the ground.

But, I turned back to her "Have a good night, Jackson" and then I jumped, disappearing into the night.

I realised my mistake too late

"So you're also a stalker!" I heard her yell after me.


That little son of a biscuit!

I huffed and crossed my arms, even though he was long gone. "Way to ruin someone's night" I mumbled and let myself fall onto my bed. Making myself comfortable by wiggling my way under the covers.

Now where was I...

I nuzzled my face into the pillow, but shuddered when a cold breeze hit me. Did I forget to close the window again? Yes, apparently

Deciding to close it, I kicked the covers off and sat up. Yawning, I rubbed my eyes. Ugh, looks like the sandman already came

As I approached the window slowly, I started humming. Something I always do to lift my mood. "I've found heaven in a world so cold" I shudder again and rub my arms to create some heat. "When hell reigns, people turn to letting go"

The assassin's princess | Fem Percy Jackson x Damian WayneWhere stories live. Discover now