Chapter sixteen: I am not great at sneaking around...

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Percy's POV

Finally! School is over! Even if only for two days but whatever. I said goodbye to Sara and Maia promising them that I would come over to them later.

Apparently I had a lot of 'training' to do. I skipped to one of the benches and sat down, waiting for Wilfred to show up. "Jackson" somebody said. I looked up to them. "Hello Damian." I said and then continued staring at the road.

"You still didn't answer me." "Huh?" I said looking at him confused. He sighed "About where you were yesterday." "That is none of your business." I said. "Yes it is. You are my friend." I nearly fell off the bench in shock.

Of course I considered Damian a friend but I never thought he thought the same thing. Wait, that sounds weird. Whatever...

I recovered from my shock and gave him a bright smile. One that would've made even Apollo jealous. "Fine, I give up. I had an emergency at home." "What kind of emergency." "That is and will remain a secret." I said smirking at him.

He rolled his eyes. "The project is due on Monday, do you want to come over this weekend so that we could practise one more time." I asked. "Sure. Is tomorrow at 12:30 fine for you?" I nodded. "See ya." I said before getting into the limousine.


I waited until everybody was asleep before opening and jumping out of my window. little did I know that a certain bird was following me.

Damian's POV

I was out on patrol when I saw someone jump out of the window of the Scarlet Manor. "Who is that?" I mumbled to myself.

I saw the figure run down the streets so I followed. From its figure it was a girl. "Could it be Jackson." I mumbled quietly to myself.

No, it couldn't be possible, or? What would she be doing outside at this time? I continued following the girl to an old warehouse. Voices were heard inside. The girl stopped and I could finally see her in the light of a street lamp. It was indeed Jackson, now I was really curious. She tip toed to the entrance and disappeared inside. I went inside shortly after her. But there was nothing...

Percy's POV

I felt a presence following me so I stopped. Using the water in the air I managed to identify them. Of course it was Robin. Stalker...

So I went inside and then, using the mist, covered the whole building so that he would hear and see something else. I snuck to where I heard the voices. "Is everything ready?" "Yes, lord Atlas." "Good" So Atlas was here, huh.

I despise the guy, killing Zoe and all. And what is ready, are they planning an attack. Unfortunately, I was too lost in thought that I didn't notice somebody come up behind me. They hit me on the head successfully knocking me out.


I woke up chained to a wall. "Great" I thought sarcastically.  "Hello sea princess, long time no see." I heard the cold voice of Atlas. I growled making him laugh. "Oh you don't scare me."

"Watch me." he looked at me annoyed. "If you haven't noticed, you are the one chained up, sea spawn." man, I hate it when they call me that. He then took out a dagger and started twisting it in his fingers. "Oh this is going to be a lot of fun." He said grinning evilly.


Atlas left, leaving me bloodied on the ground still in chains. The last hour he had tortured me with daggers, poison, swords... you get the point.

I had to find a way out by myself as nobody knew that I was here. Wait, if they didn't take my communication device then I could contact Diana.

I managed to bring my hand down to my secret pocket without crying out in pain. Yes! It was still there. I slowly took it out and pressed the red button, singling Diana that I needed help.

I hoped that she would come alone if not they would know who I was. I waited for a few minutes before I heard somebody quietly open the door. I instantly knew it was Diana.

She crept to me and crouched down. "Hey cuz, everything ok." then she noticed my blood stained t-shirt. She let out a small gasp before freeing me and sneaking out again.

We passed a few guards but they didn't notice us. "Strange" I thought. When we were finally outside she flew to one of the rooftops, setting me down gently. "I am going to kill them." she said examining my wounds more closely.

"what were you doing here anyways. And why didn't you tell me that you would come here tonight." she said scolding me. "My brother told me that I should check it out." "Of course." I heard her mutter. She then took out a mask from somewhere and gave it to me. "Wear this, I am bringing you to Mount Justice." I obeyed and put on my mask.

She picked me up again and flew off towards Mount Justice.

Ten minutes later we landed and she brought me inside. She lead me to a white room, probably the nursery, and ordered me to lay down on the bed.

She then entered another room and came back with Ambrosia and some water. "Here" she said handing them to me. I took them, instantly eating the ambrosia. It tasted like mom's home made blue cookies.

Then I swallowed the water and felt a lot better. "Feeling better now?" Diana asked. "Yeah, thanks." "Your welcome. Now rest." "But I am -yawn- not tired." I said, my eyes already half closed. "Uhuh" she said in total disbelief.

She pushed me back down as I tried to stand up. " Sleep." she declared. "ok" I said too tired to argue. I entered Morpheus land hoping for sweet dreams. But alas my prayers weren't heard or the fates were just cruel.


Yesterday I watched the Percy Jackson films, again. I personally think that they got the whole story wrong. I mean Percy should be twelve not sixteen, Annabeth has blond hair... you get the point. I just hope the series is going to be better.

-Daughter of Nyx🖤

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