Chapter twenty-three: Confessions...

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Percy's POV

I opened my arms. They both crushed me in a hug and soon Nico and Thalia followed. We broke apart but linked arms. "First period, here we come" I said and walked to history. 

Oh boy, now I have to hold the stupid presentation. Maia must've noticed my frown because she looked at me worried. "I have to hold a presentation" I explained. She nodded "You'll do great" she encouraged. "I should" I laughed. 

Suddenly I ran into a wall. "Ow" I hissed "Thanks for the warning guys" they just shrugged and opened the door, disappearing inside. "Seriously..." I muttered annoyed. I followed them after checking my head for injuries. 

I took my usual seat and spotted Nico and Thalia sitting behind me. There was an extra bench Wilfred must've informed my school, which is reasonable. 

We still had 5 minutes to spare and the classroom was still empty so we decided to annoy each other with our powers. Mostly me. But we stopped when the first people started to come in. 

"Hello Jackson" Damian said and sat next to me. "Hey" I greeted back with a smile on my face. Surprisingly he smiled back. "Good morning class "Mr. Thompson announced. "As you know we are going to listen to all of your presentations. But before that, please welcome our guests" he said and gestured for Nico and Thalia to come to the front. 

I gave Thalia the 'don't kill anybody' look, due to some cat whistles coming from the boys. She smiled sweetly at me before glaring daggers at the boys. If looks could kill... "I'm Nico" "I'm Thalia" they introduced themselves. "We're also Percy's cousins" Thalia finished and they returned to their seats. Mr. Thompson cleared his throat. "Lets get on with the lesson. Alex and Sebastian, you start."


"...And finally, Percy and Damian." Mr. Thompson said while Sara and some other girl, whose name I don't know, took their seats. I wasn't paying attention, only in life threatening situations, although... Damian nudged me and motioned his head towards the front. "What does he- oh right!" I thought and quickly got to my feet. I looked at Maia and she shot me thumbs up. I smiled nervously and hung up my poster. Damian cleared his throat, getting he class's attention.


"...Thank you for listening" I concluded and they applauded. You learn a lot when you fight nearly every single monster in greek 'mythology'. The bell ringed, singling the end of the lesson.

 Everybody grabbed their things and rushed outside not wanting to be late for their next lesson. I slowly packed my things but I turned when I felt a pair of eyes on me. Strangely, I was the only one in the room. My stomach twisted and my breath hitched. I scanned the room but found nothing unusual. 

Throughout the day it still felt like I was being watched. I stayed silent though I knew something big was coming and soon. Damian was acting strange too, he kept giving me small smiles or held my gaze. I could stare all day into those emerald green eyes...

Damian's POV

Finding out that Jackson and Wonder Woman's sidekick Tidal where the same person was a little shocking, even for me. They were just so different. Jackson is more of a clumsy but beautiful girl. 

I did give in for my feelings for her but it's still new...

During history she talked about our presentation with a lot of emotion, especially when it came to Tartarus. Even though I talked about it she still had this haunted look in her eyes. It took all of my willpower to not take her hand and soothe her. 

I admit I am, uhh, scared that she would reject me. I am not scared of many things but of this I certainly am. She also seemed distracted throughout the day, she scanned the room as if she was waiting for an attack. 

Anyway, the bell to the end of the last period rang and I quickly shot to my feet. "Jackson" I called after her, as she was about to leave the room. She turned around and looked at me questionably. I swung my bag over my back and half- walked half-sprinted to her. "We need to talk" I said and grabbed her hand feeling the familiar tingle run through my body. I lead her outside and to the school's backyard.

Dick's POV

Bruce, Tim and I were sitting in the bushes. Jason refused to come. We were waiting for Damian and Percy to show up. It was obvious that they liked each other but were too stubborn, or scared, to admit it. 

Speaking of the devils, they came into sight. Damian was leading a clueless Percy towards a bench. Damian sat down and Percy copied him. "Lovebirds in sight." I whispered into the com. "Do you think the demon will confess." Tim asked "I hope so" I replied. "There is something I need to tell you." Damian started. 

I smiled, I knew this was hard for him, admitting his feelings. "I like you. More than just a friend." he finished and we all sucked in a breath, waiting impatiently for Percy's answer. She seemed overwhelmed (haha, see what I did there) for a second. "I like you too" she told him and relief washed over Damian's face. "Wow, didn't expect someone to like him." Tim said. "Tim!" I scolded. I focused back on the lovebirds and saw them lean in. "I think it's happening" I fangirled, trying to make as little noise as possible.

Damian's POV

I was relieved to say the least. Percy felt the same way. We started leaning in. Then our lips touched. It was as if fireworks were exploding inside of me. Sounds cliché, I know, but who cares?

 Her lips were soft and tasted of the sea. I felt her smile into the kiss and I did the same. She pulled away and we stared into each others eyes. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" I blurted. She smiled and laughed. "I thought you'd never ask." she said and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Dick's POV

I smiled at the scene and slowly retreated from my position. "Mission Complete" I whispered. "I got lots of blackmail material." Tim exclaimed. I rolled my eyes. I met Tim and Bruce by the car. "And?" Alfred asked. "Mission complete" I repeated. He smiled and Bruce smiled too.


I won't be updating for a while. I am sorry😭

I just have to focus on school right now.

-Daughter of Nyx🖤

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