Chapter twenty: The minotaur and a bunch of overwhelmed friends

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Percy's POV

I silently exited the room. Turning to Marco I whispered "Let's start" and walked back to the training room. I could literally feel his grin. I marched into the middle of the room, took my sword out and got into position, well the one with all the openings. 

I had decided to name my sword Ωμέγα (Omega. I kinda ran out of ideas 😅), and yes I do give objects names. He took out his own "Let's start" he repeated.


"You're improving!" He complimented me. I smiled at him, maybe he wasn't that much of a jerk... "I am such a great teacher" nope, there it goes, out of the window. 

"Sure" I said with sarcasm laced in my words. "Is that sarcasm I detected?" "Nooo" I said innocently, smiling sweetly at him. Suddenly Marco yelped and jumped slightly. I looked down and saw an arrow where his foot had been a minute before. "Don't flirt with her." Thalia hissed "Because next time, I won't miss." Marco gulped and his hands trembled a little. 

"I wasn't flir-" he cut himself off as Thalia glared at him. "I, uhh, need to go. Sara's calling me." He said gesturing towards her and sprinted off. Thalia snorted. I crossed my arm arms and gave her a scolding look. "What?!" she snapped. I sighed. "Was that really necessary?" "Of course" I rolled my eyes. 

"Where's Death breath?" "Asleep" she looked at me as if had just said that I hated blue cookies. "Asleep..." I hummed. "Ehm okay" she said stunned. "That's new." "Yup" I said popping the 'p'.

 We stood there in awkward silence. "So" I said rocking back and forth on my feet, trying to ease the tension that was evident in the air. "How is school?" okay, that was the last thing I thought she would ask me. "Good, I guess. Why do you ask?" she shrugged. "I had nothing else to ask." I raised an eyebrow.

 Suddenly there was a gigantic 'Roar'. The natural source of all our trouble.

 Sara, Marco, Maia, Ben, Arthur and Jon stopped what they were doing and looked up panicked. "Oh, it's good old ground beef again." I said with fake enthusiasm. "Not one day without a monster on my tail..."I thought. "Percy, Thalia! Get out! Maia get Nico!" Sara yelled. Thalia and I looked at each other. "Athena is so gonna hat me for this." I whispered to her. She smirked. 

"Maybe" and started running towards the now in sight Minotaur. Of course I followed her. "What are you doing?! Get out! You aren't ready!" Sara yelled after us. Thalia and I ignored her. Thalia charged and expertly avoided the act that was swinging her way. She glided beneath him to the other side. 

"Hey there ground beef! Missed me?" I provoked him. He looked at me with blazing eyes and charged. I ducked and pulled Riptide out of my hair. She sprang to her full size. I heard a few gasps but I didn't dare look back. Now, it was my turn to charge. 

When I was close enough, I jumped forward and used its axe like a spring board and soared into the air. Using Riptide, I swung at his head. Unfortunately, I missed and landed centimetres away from the wall. 

Now, flying into a wall is not comfortable, not even a tiny bit. 

I stood up, a little irritated, and thrust my hands forward. The pipes groaned. Then the water burst out of it and followed my movements. It headed straight for the minotaur, but before it hit him I willed it to turn to ice. 

The minotaur let out one last roar as ice pierced through him, then all that was left of him was golden dust. 

Thalia grinned and we high fived. The others stood there with dropped jaws. I turned Riptide back into a hairlip and secured her in my hair. "W-what w-was that?" Sara stuttered uncomprehendingly. 

"That" I said "Was us killing the minotaur." "How did you do that?!" "Well" I said playing dumb. "I took this sword and killed it." Thalia elbowed me in the side. "That won't work." she said. 

"Children of Athena always want clear answers. I know you now that I talk from experience." I grumbled, knowing she was right. I was about to speak when Maia came in, a sleeping Nico by her side. She looked at Sara, then at us and finally at the pile of dust.

"Did I miss something?" she asked. "Nah" I said. Sara glared at me. "Now I'm in trouble." I thought "Explain." she demanded. "Hehe, I might have lied about not knowing who my godly parent is." I squeaked. 

"What?!" I looked at the floor guiltily. I mumbled an almost inaudible 'sorry'. "Did you know too?" she asked looking at Thalia. "Hmmm" she said. "Nico too?" "Yeah" she looked hurt. 

"You want us to tell you, right." Arthur looked at us with a 'duh' face. Sara was silently staring at us, unnerving me a bit. "Uhm, well, yeah" I said not knowing how to start. 

Thalia rolled her eyes and took a step forward. "I am Thalia, daughter of Zeus" She said dramatically. "Must be the genes." I thought. Also, this sentence reminded of when she first turned back into a human. "Lieutenant of Artemis." she concluded. 

If it was possible their jaws dropped even more. She stepped back and pushed me forward. "Your turn" she whispered. Grumbling unhappily I began. I hate saying my titles. "I am Percy, daughter of Poseidon. Champion and saviour of Olympus." I said. "And princess of the seas." I added annoyed. 

"Y-you're a princess, like a real princess?!" Jon managed. I nodded. "If you're the daughter of Poseidon and she is the daughter of Zeus... does that mean that Nico is the son of Hades?" guess who asked that, right Arthur. Being the usual smart ass. "Correct" I said as if we were in a game show. 

We gave them a couple of minutes to process it all. After a few minutes of Thalia and me staring at them and uncomfortable silence, I whispered. "Thals, I think we broke them." she snorted amusedly.


The assassin's princess | Fem Percy Jackson x Damian WayneWhere stories live. Discover now