Chapter seven: Wonder Woman

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Damian's POV

I was waiting for Jackson by the doors again.
When I finally spotted her she had a bit of golden dust on her shoes and shoulders.

"Why do you have golden dust on you?" I asked her.

Her eyes widened. "I got them from the arts and crafts room." She said but something told me she was lying. "TT, sure" We stood there in awkward silence until Pennyworth came.

"Come on" I said and took her hand. Blood rushed to my cheeks and I realized I was blushing. "What? Why am I blushing?" I wondered. I looked over to her to see her cheeks lightly red too. I hadn't realized that we were already by the limousine so she cleared her throat. I snapped out of my daze and got inside.


We arrived 20 minutes later. During the ride Pennyworth and Jackson had talked. We got out of the limousine and walked over to the Manor. Pennyworth opened the door... and inside there was Diana Prince a.k.a. Wonder Woman talking to father.

Percy's POV

I walked inside only to see Diana talking to Bruce. The gods didn't know that Diana and I already knew each other. Uh, surprise?

I froze and saw Damian do the same. Unfortunately they saw us and Diana gave me a smile that only I noticed.She knew of my mission so she couldn't reveal that we were related. "Hello father, Jackson and me are going to work on our project in my room." Damian said ignoring Diana. Before I could say something I was dragged to his room.

"So Jackson, what do we have to finish?" he asked me. "Well, we have all the information we need... we only need to study it."


I groaned and sat back. I looked at the clock, it was 7:30 pm. "Shit!" I muttered and jumped to my feet. Damian looked at me confused.

"What is it?" he asked. "It's 7:30 pm..." I answered. He seemed thoughtful until he finally spoke: "If you want you can stay here tonight, I am sure it will be fine for father." I nodded my head. "I will go and tell Lisa." I dialled her number into my phone.

It rang once, twice and... "Hello Percy, where are you?""Hi Lisa, I'm over at Damian Wayne's house. We were working on our project. Damian proposed (not in that way *stares pointedly at some people*) me to stay for the night. Can I?" I half-rambled and half-asked. There was some silence, she was probably processing everything I had just said.

"Ok Percy, do you need anything for school tomorrow?" "No" "Ok, Bye" "Bye Lisa"

I looked at Damian. "I can stay." He nodded. "I will tell Pennyworth to prepare a room for you." I gave him a small smile. "Thanks.". He walked off leaving me in his room.

I looked around and spotted hidden daggers and katanas. I laughed a little at that. I walked back to the middle of the room when the ground started to shake and a mighty roar was heard. I paled...

Diana's POV

I was talking with Bruce when I heard a loud roar. I froze. I looked at Bruce and excused myself. I changed into my costume. I ran outside and to the direction which the roar came from.

Once I arrived I ducked behind a bush. There, in front of me, was a huge hydra. My eyes widened and I knew I could never defeat it myself. I did the only logical thing, I IM Percy.

Percy's POV

I was still frozen in shock when Damian came running into the room. "Jackson, get into the bathroom!" (don't ask why) I blinked and went inside. I heard him run off, probably to change into his costume.

Suddenly an IM appeared in front of me. It was Diana. "PERCY!" she yelled "I need your help." I was confused until I saw the enormous Hydra behind her. I gulped and nodded. "I'm coming cuz" I said and swiped my hand through the IM.

I silently opened the window and jumped outside landing on the soft grass. I sprinted off not wanting to get the attention of Batman and co.

It took me around five minutes to find Diana, who was attacking the Hydra. I quickly changed back into human. It would be strange if an eagle randomly started fighting a monster.

I put my hood on and ran to her side. "Hey cuz, nice to see ya again." I said ducking one of its heads.

"Hey Percy" she answered absorbed in the fight. I took out the branches which I had collected on my way and gave some to her.

Then I cut one of its heads and stuck the branch inside. "I can already see the sign. New donut shop open for business" I thought.

I lit it up using my awesome fire powers and continued doing so until the monster was dead. Diana looked at me, stunned. I smiled back at her sheepishly.

A cough from behind made as turn around.
And there in all their glory stood Batman and Robin. "Oh Hades no." I cursed. "Hello Wonder Woman. Who is this?" Batman said pointing to me. I was really glad I had put on my hood if not I would've been screwed.

"Ah, this is my cousin."  Diana answered. "Να εφεύρεσις ένα όνομα ήρωα. (Invent a hero name)" she whispered to me. "What is your name?" Batman asked. "My name is Tidal." I say. "Nice to meet you, Tidal." Batman says. I nod.


"no not really" I thought, turning back to Diana "well I gotta go! See ya." I said and ran off.

As I was making my way to the Manor I noticed a figure following me. I stoped in my tracks. "Hello Robin. What do you need?" I asked.

Damian's POV

"Hello Robin. What do you need?" She asked. I stumbled as I had just been caught. "Nothing." I answered. "Then why are you following me?" "I am not following you!" "Sure..." she said and simply vanishes.

I stared at the spot where she had just been standing, my eyes wide. Father landed next to me. "What are you looking at?" He questioned. I recomposed myself. "I followed Tidal but she caught me. Than she vanished into thin air."

"So she has powers. Anything else?" Father asked. I shook my head. "Let's get back you have a project to finish." Oh right...


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