|01| Olympus here I come

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We spent the ride to Olympus in silence, which is not a great surprise because Argus got eyes... everywhere. I don't think we need to go into detail with that. I would've gladly accepted a distraction though, my inner panic was slowly but surely driving me crazy.

I rested my elbow on the small space between the door handle and window of the car door and looked outside. We zipped past buildings of all colours and sizes. Parks with people running around or having a picnic. It made me homesick already.

Will I ever see this again?

Okay, enough with the self pity. I didn't do anything wrong...

I gave myself a mental pat on the shoulder.

When in doubt, let Persassy out.

Suddenly, I was thrown forwards in my seat, making me nearly collide with the one in front of me.

I grumbled and rubbed my forehead, I did not want to become a unicorn today. Not any day really.

I gave Argus a little salute and swung the door open, acting as if I owned the sidewalk.

I may have nearly hit someone else... And that person may have cursed me out.

You know just hypothetically thinking.

I weaved my way through the sea of people before I finally made it to the doors.

I froze at the door when I saw Batman, Wonder Woman and Shazam standing in front of the first desk manager.

Poor guy

I already knew what they wanted, and they weren't going to get it.

I opened the doors then and strode inside getting in line behind the three heroes.

The people occupying the seats gave me strange looks. I just gave a small smile.

"What do you mean there isn't a 600th floor?!" Diana's voice rang through the room.

Mortals, Diana, Mortals

Now the others in the room looked at the great Wonder Woman as if she'd just grown a second head.

And if you cut it off, two more will replace-

I blinked at my own trail of thoughts.

Diana is not a hydra

"Ma'am, I'm asking you to leave for the last time until I call security" the front desk guy said.

Let's call him Jeff

Jeff the front desk manager of Olympus

"DO YOU NOT KNOW WHO I AM?!" Diana screamed waving her hands in the air like a chicken.

Where are those phones when you need one

Batman laid a hand on her shoulder and led her away.

Her eyes met mine on the way out and I grinned at her. I could see her trying to suppress the urge to stick her tongue out.

She's not the princess of Themyscira but of childishness


That would make me the queen-

I turned back to Jeff and leaned over the desk a bit. "'Sup Jeff"

"My name isn't-" he stopped mid sentence "oh, it's you" he said dryly.

"Nice to see you again too Jeff" I said, tasting his patience. ADHD does that to you, don't blame me.

He just pressed the keys in my hands and returned to ignoring me and reading his book.

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