|07| revenge is the sweetest medicine

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Someone was shaking me, hard.

And that was effectively getting me out of my wonderful sleepy state.

I did not like that

I yawned and pried my eyes open, having a clear view on who was trying to wake me up.

Ugh, cousins

"Percy!" Diana called once she saw me stare at her. I groaned and rolled over, pulling my blankets over my head.

"I don't know a Percy" I muttered into my cushion "Try your luck next door"

Diana rolled her eyes and pulled me up into a sitting position. I glared at her and lied back down again. The next thing I knew, was someone putting their icy cold hands onto my back and yanking me up.

I yelped and shot forward, trying to get away from the coldness.

"Do you dip your hands into the Antarctic Ocean every day or why are your hands so cold?" I complained and rubbed my arms to warm up a bit.

My cousin rolled her eyes "Stop complaining, I need to talk to you"

I rolled my eyes at that "There is this thing called an afternoon, dearest cousin. No need to wake me up in the middle of the night!"

Diana cocked her head to the side an raised an eyebrow. "It's six in the morning" she deadpanned.

Exactly, it's the middle of the night

I huffed, pulled my blankets close to myself and curled back into a comfortable position on the bed.

"Anyway, it was nice talking to you" I let out a yawn "Goodnight thunder junior"

Next thing I knew was my covers being ripped from me and a cold chill settling over my body. "Don't even think about falling asleep again"

I glared at her, but all she did was smirk.

"If you're not out of the bed by three I will open the windows" I crinkled my nose at the thought but didn't make a move to get up.

"I thought we were over the threatening phase" I mumbled.

Diana laughed and shook her head "I don't threaten people, I make promises"

"Oh great"

I stared at Diana challenging her to go open the window. Worst case scenario I could make a run for my bathroom.

Bathtubes can be beds too

I heard the sound of my window being opened and cringed inwardly at the loud noise coming from outside.

Who the hell mows their lawn at six in the morning

And why do the birds seem to be choking on whistles?

"Is that not your butler Wilfred out there?" Diana inquired as she peered out of the window. Question answered.

I shrugged "Probably, he never seems to sleep"

Diana turned to look at me "So like Alfred?"

"Yes, but minus the ninja part" I tapped my chin "Well, come to think of it, he actually does move like a ninja"

My cousin glanced back down at the figure mowing the grass.

"Then he might as well be a Pennyworth" she whispered.

I snorted "Yeah, because all ninja butlers are related"

Diana gave me her infamous 'really' look.

The assassin's princess | Fem Percy Jackson x Damian WayneWhere stories live. Discover now