Chapter fifteen: On a mission with Robin and an identified enemy

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Damian's POV

I hadn't seen Jackson after sports anymore. She simply disappeared. But I had to concentrate now. Supposedly I had to got to stop a drug dealer with... Tidal.

"Father why can not someone else accompany me?" I said unsatisfied as he hadn't answered me. He kept on ignoring me. I was staring to get pissed... correction, even more pissed.

"She will be here any minute." Father said walking up to Green Arrow, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Superman and The Flash.

"Recognized Tidal D01." it said and she stepped out. Wonder Woman was the first to notice her. "Tidal!" she said and dragged her to the others who were rapped up in a conversation.

"So why exactly am I here?" Tidal inquired. "You will be going on a mission with Robin to stop a drug dealer." Father said. She seemed annoyed, at least I wasn't the only one. "Fine." She  said.

"Where is Robin?" "Here" I said stepping out of the shadows. Her head snapped into my direction. "Hello boy wonder." She said. "It is Robin." I corrected her irritated.

Even though I couldn't see her eyes, I was pretty sure she rolled them. Wonder Woman then cleared her throat. "The drug dealer is currently at the docks. Here are the coordinates." she said.

We nodded and headed to the Zeta Tubes. I was about to step in when she beat me to it. "Ladies first" she said with a smirk. "You're no lady" I replied. I could feel her glare on me. "You're right, you're one" she said. "Recognized Tidal D01." The Zeta Tubes announced and she was gone, I glared at the spot she was standing seconds ago. I stepped in next. "Recognized Robin B23." It said and then I was at the docks. Tidal was waiting for me.

"Let's go kick ass." She said and grabbed my hand. She lead me inside a warehouse and behind some sacks. We could hear everything clearly. "Everything ready boss." "Good" my eyes widened and I looked at Tidal.

She leaned in closer. "Is that Bane?!" She whisper-yelled. I nodded. "Ideas" she asked. I smirked and proceeded with telling her the plan.

She disappeared and reappeared on the other side of the room according to my plan. I took out my katana and started to sneak closer to them.

Unfortunately, not looking where I was going, I stepped on a stick. Batman lesson number 3: always look where you're going.
Bane and his helpers looked in my direction. "Did you hear that?" The guy said. "Yes." Bane replied.

They took out their guns and proceeded in my direction. Suddenly Tidal jumped out and onto the head of one of Bane's helpers, skilfully knocking them out.

In seconds only Bane was standing. Tidal had a Xiphos pressed against his neck. I got out of my hiding place, making my way towards them.

"Hello Bane" I said. "Hello Robin." he said. I looked to Tidal and an understanding passed between us. She stepped aside and I put him in handcuffs. "Wonder Woman" she said. "We stopped the drug dealer, Bane." "Good job. I will be there in a minute."

A minute later Wonder Woman was in front of us. "Well done Tidal, Robin." Then she took Bane. "I will bring him to Arkham now." and flew off. Tidal turned to me. " Well... I gotta go now. See ya around birdy." she said before vanishing. I left too, preparing myself for school.

Percy's POV

I repaired in my room. Surprisingly my brother stood there, waiting for me. "Hello Triton. What are you doing here?" I asked. "Sister!" he said engulfing me in a hug.

We stayed like that for a minute or so. "I'm not complaining, but why are you here."  his face turned serious again. "The gods have identified our enemy." "Why do I have a bad feeling about this." I said, nervously. "It's Ouranos." I paled."How-but-why" I stuttered helplessly.

Triton shook his head. "I don't know how this is possible too." "Why me?!" I asked. "But that's not all. There is this abandoned Warehouse, where we think Ouranos's minions are." "Let me guess, you want me to check it out."

"Exactly." I sighed. Triton gave me a sympathetic look. "I believe in you." he said hugging me once again. "I need to go now." he said and disappeared. "Great" I thought. "Leave it to me to do the dirty work"

Deciding that I would check it out the next day. I got into bed and instantly fell asleep.


I woke up and got ready for school. "Yay last day and then WEEKEND" I thought happily.

I prepared myself and made my way downstairs. I skipped outside and to the limousine. "Hey Wilfred." I greeted cheerfully. "Hello miss Percy." He said smiling. Then we drove off to hell-I mean school.

Twenty minutes later we arrived. "Bye" I said and slammed the door shut. I spotted Sara talking to Maia. I ran over to them. "Hey Maia. I didn't know you went to school here." "Oh hey Percy. This is my first day today." She exclaimed. Then she hugged me, again.

"We're going to have so much fun!" Sara laughed and I smiled. Maia was the most childish at times. Then I felt a tap on the back. I turned around and there standing in all his glory (note the sarcasm) was Damian Wayne.

"Hey Dami." I greeted him. He let out a puff of air. I know very well that he doesn't like the nickname, but I love to annoy people, especially powerful beings. One of my many traits. "Hello Jackson. Where were you yesterday?"

"Awww, were you worried." I cooed. He glared at me. "I was not. I am just curious of your whereabouts." "Stop using big words." I said.

He ignored me. "How sympathetic" I thought. "So." he said looking at me expectantly. "I don't owe you an answer." I state and turn around grabbing Sara and Maia and heading for our first class.

I could hear him 'tsk' loudly, so I turned around and gave him my wolf glare. That made him shut up.


The assassin's princess | Fem Percy Jackson x Damian WayneWhere stories live. Discover now