Chapter eighteen: An unexpected visit and a lot of bickering

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Damian's POV

I froze out of shock. Grayson grinned at me as if he knew something that I didn't. I narrowed my eyes at him. "What are you grinning about, Grayson?" I asked suspiciously. "Oh nothing little D." He said and patted my head.

He then took Drake's arm and started dragging him off to somewhere. "We need to go bye." Grayson shouted over his shoulder. "Okay" I thought.

He was acting weird, well even weirder than usual. Confused I walked to one of the windows and saw Jackson driving away. She spotted me and waved.

I felt my lips pull up into a small smile. She smiled back at me. We stared into each others eyes before she turned around starting a conversation with her butler.

Then she disappeared out of my sight. I sighed and decided to work on finding Tidal's identity. I walked over to the big grandfather clock and moved the pointers to 10:48 opening the passage to the batcave.

I walked down the stairs and to the bat computer. I pulled up Tidal's file and read through the information we had on her.

Strangely she and Jackson had a lot in common... wait! It couldn't be, right? Jackson and Tidal couldn't be the same person. I quickly shut down the computer when I heard footsteps. "Demon spawn" Todd greeted me before disappearing again.

I glared into the direction he disappeared in. I glare a lot, I realized.

I looked at the clock and let out a sigh. I then stood up and went upstairs. On my way I bumped into Pennyworth. "Dinner is ready master Damian" he said before proceeding into the dining hall. I sighed and unwillingly followed him.


I got up pushing my chair in. "Damian, why were you looking at Tidal's file." Father asked. I froze nearly chocking on air.

Of course he would've noticed. Why does father have to be 'worlds greatest detective'?!

"I..." I didn't find an answer, and I couldn't possibly tell him what I suspected. Father rose and eyebrow. My so called 'brothers' were also looking at me expectantly. "TT" "That is not an answer Damian" "I was just checking" was all I said before hurrying out of the room. "still not an answer!" I heard him yell after me.

Percy's POV

I was lying in my bed gazing at the ceiling. Tomorrow I would go to visit Sara & co.

I sighed "What for eventful days." "Hmmm" I jumped at the sound of a voice. My hand immediately went to riptide. "Whoa seaweed brain! It's just me" wait is that... "Nico?!" "Yeah" I crushed him in a hug which he returned. Yeah, I have an official allowance to hug him... whenever I want. He really shouldn't have done that.

"I missed you" somebody cleared their throat. I wiped around seeing Thalia standing there with her hands on her hips. "Pinecone face!" I yelled and tackled her in a hug.

Underestimating my strength, I tackled us both to the ground. "Ow" she said. I grinned sheepishly at her and got off. I offered her a hand which she took. "Sooooooo what are you doing here?" I asked jumping up and down like a kid that just ate too much sugar. "We came to visit you dearest cousin." Thalia responded.

I narrowed my eyes at her. She smiled back at me innocently. "What are you planing?" I asked her suspiciously. "We? Nothing" "Uhuh" I said unbelievingly. "Okay, fine. We want to meet this boy you met. And know how your mission is going." I stared at her and then t Nico. "So when are we going to meet him?" Nico asked.

"Monday" I said and yawned. "Awww, don't sleep now! The night is young." Nico exclaimed. "Nico-" I warned "I need my sleep. I would appreciate to not look like a zombie tomorrow." He huffed.

"How did you even get here?" I asked. "We shadow travelled." "Didn't Will forbid you to do so." "No" Nico lied avoiding my eyes. "So you wouldn't mind me if I checked." I said pulling out a drachma. "No! Uh, I mean he is probably sleeping right now-" He was interrupted by my laughing.

Soon I was rolling on the floor with tears coming out of my eyes. Death Breath and Pinecone face looked at me in concern. "Do you think she's mentally fine?" Thalia whisper-asked Nico. "She jumped off the saint Louis Arch... I don't think she was ever mentally fine." "I can hear you!" They both grinned at me. I got up from the floor and plopped back down onto my bed. "'Night" I said. They both blinked





And that's how my night went. To your information I never got any sleep.


"When are we meeting the other demigods?" Thalia inquired stuffing a pancake into her mouth, for the millionth time... Currently we were sitting at a Cafe drinking Coffee and eating unhealthy things.

I got myself to donuts, one for me and one for Blackjack. Thalia had pancakes and Nico, well, he was happily munching on his happy meal. We tried to stop him, to no avail.

How he got it in here is going to stay a secret. Nahh, just kidding, he had glared at the Cafe owner with his 'bother me and I will kill you' glare successfully scaring him away.

"o 14 hundred hours" I replied to Thalia's question, again. She hummed gulping down the rest of her pancakes. "And we can't tell them who our godly parent is because..." I shrugged "Ask Athena" I said and slipped Blackjack's donut into a plastic bag.

She groaned. "We are never going to get answers from her!" "Yup" I agreed. We both turned to Nico waiting for him to say something, only to find him with his head in the happy meal box.

Thalia and I exchanged concerned glances. I lightly pocked his shoulder. "Nico?" I asked. "Hmm" "You okay?" "Yeah" he said and pulled the box off of his head. "What were you doing?" Thalia asked him leaning forward and taking the box out of his hands.

"I couldn't find my last French frie" He said. "Oookay." I said deeply concerned. "Did you hit your head too hard?" "No" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Did you sleep the past days?" "..." "Nico?" "No" I sighed.

Thalia got up and flicked the side of his head. "Ow" Nico complained. "What was that for?!" "For being such an idiot Death Breath!" "Hey!" "You know it's true." there we are, back to our usual bickering, what else did I expect.


Hey everybody! How's it going? I am currently sick at home. Yay (note the sarcasm). It's nothing serious but I still feel like a living corpse. So here is Thalia as requested from MidnightFox1415 and Diavazoulis2006. Stay safe.

-Daughter of Nyx🖤

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