Chapter thirteen: I meet Sara's (demigod) friends

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Percy's POV

I mentally facepalmed. I could almost hear Thalia's voice saying "You're such a seaweed brain." How could I have not noticed that my best friend was a demigod, a daughter of Athena. Ironic, isn't it?

"Kinda funny that both of my best friends were/are daughters of Athena." I thought sadly.

"Percy!" I heard a voice call. It was Athena. "Yes?" I asked. "You can't let Sara now that you know of the mythological world." This confused me, a lot. "Uh? Why?" I asked. "Just trust me." "Okay..." I thought.

I hadn't realized that I had zoomed out before I heard a loud 'Roar' erupt from the monster. I looked at Sara, who had driven her dagger into the cyclops scull.

She had a few wounds on her legs and arms. "Percy! Are you ok?" She asked me. "Y-yeah" I said acting scared. "W-what was t-that?" She sighed.

"That was a cyclops, you know from Greek 'mythology'. I know it is hard to believe but everything is real the monsters and the gods. And you are a demigod just like me." She said finishing her speech.

I (still acting) put on a shocked and terrified look. She gave me a soft smile. "T-that means one of my parents is a g-god?!" I asked. She nodded. "With which parent did you live before you came here."

"M-my mom." I said. "So your father is a god." She stated. "There is a safe place for people like us, but it is in Long Island. It's too far away, and you could get killed on the journey. If you want I can introduce you to my other friends. They are demigods too." She then got a guilty look on her face.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before but I did it to protect you." She said and hugged me. I nodded. "I-it's okay. I'm just a little shocked."

She pulled back and smiled. "When will I know who my father is?" I asked tilting my head to the side even though I already knew the answer. "Ehh, that's hard to tell... some people get claimed quickly and some don't. And some demigods never get claimed." She said, giving me an encouraging smile.

"Oh" "Now come I will introduce you to my friends." "Wait! But what about this?" I asked gesturing to Mr Norman a.k.a. the cyclops.

"The mist got that covered." "The what?" "It's a magical veil that shields the godly world from mortal eyes." I bobbed my head up and down in response.

Then Sara walked out of the room and outside of the building. I saw the class leave so I followed her, curios to meet these friends of hers.

"Here" she said and opened the door to and old warehouse. Inside there were five people. One girl and four boys. A boy with brown hair and brown eyes was sitting on one of the chairs eating a sandwich. Another one with blond hair and blue eyes was strumming his guitar. Another one with black hair and blue eyes was doing push ups. The last boy had blond hair and grey eyes and was reading a book. The girl had brown hair and green eyes and was watering some flowers. They all looked up as they saw us enter. "Hey Sara how was- who is that?" The boy doing push ups asked.

"This is Percy, everyone. Percy this is Maia" Sara said pointing to the girl. "She is a daughter of Demeter. This is Jon." She said pointing to the boy with the guitar. "He is a son of Apollo. This is Marco." She said pointing to the boy doing push ups. "He is a son of Ares. This is Ben." She said pointing to the boy eating the sandwich. "A son of Hermes. And finally Arthur." She said pointing to the boy who was reading. "He is a son of Athena and my half-brother." She said.

"Nice to meet you." I said smiling. Maia walked up to us, and surprisingly, hugged me. "It's so cool to have another girl around here!" She said excitedly.

"Do you already know who your godly parent is?" She asked. I was about to respond but Sara beat me to it. "No unfortunately she doesn't." Maia's smile dropped a little. "I'm sorry." She said and hugged me again.

I awkwardly patted her back. She let go and continued watering her plants. Okay...

"Be careful around Ben, he can steal your wallet without anybody noticing. Marco is a big flirt being the son of Ares and all. Arthur just reads a lot and doesn't really socialize. Jon loves playing his guitar even at ungodly hours." I snickered a little as they reminded me of my friends back at Long Island.

Marco stopped doing his push ups and walked over to us, well me. He smirked. "Are you sure you aren't a daughter of Aphrodite because you sure as hell look like one." He said leaning in.

I gave him a fake smile and pushed him back. "Yes I am sure. My father is my godly parent not my mother." I said. Ben came over to us too wearing the exact same smile his father always wears. Which means that he is up to something. Something bad...

"Hello Percy." he said reaching behind me. Thinking that I hadn't noticed. He was about to grab my wallet when I said "Take my wallet and I will do things to you that you can't even imagine." he quickly pulled back his hand and looked at me in shock, which turned into slight fear as he saw my serious expression.

Jon watching the scene from afar, smirked at Ben. "BUSTED!" he suddenly yelled breaking Sara and Marco out of their bickering, making both Maia and Arthur look up and Ben turn red.

"What is it?" Sara asked slightly annoyed but her eyes looked curious. "Percy just caught Ben trying to steal." He said trying to hold in his laughter. "You should've seen his face." All eyes turned to Ben. "Ben" Sara warned. "What did I say about stealing from our guests?" she asked him. "To not to." he replied. Sara sighed. I was just standing there awkwardly, watching everything unfold itself in front of me.


Well Ben, you just learned to never mess with Percy.
- Daughter of Nyx🖤

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