Chapter nineteen: Pinecone Face and Death breath meet my friends, oh boy

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Percy's POV

I was watching my cousins bicker back and forth for about 10 minutes before I set an end to it. "By the love of Poseidon, STOP!" they froze and stared at me.

"He/She started it!" They said pointing their fingers accusingly and glaring at each other. I groaned and banged my head on the table whilst closing my eyes. "Will you stop!" "What?!" "I can hear you glaring!" "How can you hear our glaring?" Nico asked. I looked up to him. "I just can"


"Your friends live here?" "Yeah" Thalia and Nico glanced at the warehouse. "It doesn't look like much." "From the outside" I said and walked towards the door.

They sprinted after me. I knocked three times and took a step back. The door swung open "Heya Percy! Nice to- who are they?" "These are my cousins Nico and Thalia. Nico, Thalia meet Sara daughter of Athena." Sara's eyes widened. "You told them?!" "They are demigods too" Sara narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

"How do you know that?" "When we were small we always played together. My mother told me that they were my cousins on my fathers side. And you told me my father is a god so..." Sara nodded.

"Didn't know you had enough brains to figure that out" "HEY!" I protested. Thalia laughed and patted my shoulder. "You know it's true Seaweed brain." "It is not!" "Yes" "No" "Yes" "No" "Okay stop!" Both me and Thalia stopped and wolf glared at Nico. "Is it always like this?" Asked Sara. "Ehh..." came my intelligent answer. "Maybe?" Though it came out more like a question.

For the next few minutes nobody said anything. "Do you want to come inside?" "Yup" I said popping the 'p'. I took both Thalia's and Nico's arm and dragged them inside. The living room was surprisingly empty. "Where is everyone?" "Training" "oh" "Nico, Thalia you should train with us" "why?" "So you know what to do when a monster attacks you." "But we- ow, what was that for?!" Nico hissed rubbing his side where I had elbowed him.

I sent him a warning glare. Realization dawned on him. "I mean, of course" Nico said, acting like one of those show improvisers.

"Okay..." she said and lead us towards the training room. She pushed open the doors and opened her arms. "Welcome to our training room." She announced. I saw Maia and Marco fight both with their swords. Arthur hacking at a dummy with his dagger and Ben doing the same with his sword. Jon was using his bow. What a surprise! Sea what I did there?

Sara looked at Nico's and Thalia's reaction. "Cool" was all they said. Sara's jaw dropped but she quickly recomposed herself. "These are my friends Maia, Marco, Ben, Jon and my half brother Arthur." She said pointing at them respectively. Marco strolled over a smirk plastered on his face. "Oh oh" I thought fearing what Thalia was going to do to him. "Hello there beautiful" he flirted. "He is so doomed" Nico whispered.

I nodded in agreement. "What do you want boy?" Thalia hissed at him. Marco looked taken aback. I stepped in between them so that Thalia wouldn't take out her bow and most likely castrate him and blow our cover. "Marco don't flirt with her and Thalia..." I said giving her a look.

Thankfully she understood. "Fine" she huffed. "But next time I am-" I cut her of by slamming my hand to her mouth to stop her from finishing her sentence. "You wanted to train with us." I said. "Oh, right" Sara said. "Thalia what do you want to try." "Bows and arrows" "ok. Nico?" "Sword" "ok. Jon can you teach-" "I am fine on my own" Sara gave her a strange look. "But how do you want to learn how to use a bow" "I had lessons!"

"Those won't be sufficient." "Yes!" Sara let out a sigh. "She is very stubborn" I said. Thalia zapped me when nobody looked.

Though it didn't hurt. "Your father blessed me, dearest cousin. That won't work anymore" I whispered smirking. "Hmph" she said annoyed.

"Nico, Marco will teach you together with Percy." Before he could protest I pulled him over to Marco. Thalia went with Sara to get a bow and some arrows. "So you're Nico. Come let's get you a sword." Marco said and lead us into the, what I call it, 'weapon room'. "We have every sort of sword!" "Even Stygian Iron?"

Marco faltered in his steps. "No, only children of Hades can use them. And there is only one alive so no." Nico looked at the ground. "How do you even know that?" "I read it in a book." Nico said I took his hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

He looked at me gratefully. "What's up with your cousin Thalia." He asked searching for the right sword. "It's complicated" I responded.

I couldn't possibly tell him that she was the daughter of Zeus and the lieutenant of Artemis. I'm not that... you know what

"Is it personal?" "No. What made you think that?" I said sarcasm dripping from my voice. He sighed unhappily before taking a sword from the wall and handing it to Nico. "Try this" he said. Nico weighed it in his hand and shook his head.

"hmmm" Marco said and continued looking. "Why can't I just use my sword? I can tell him that I found it on the street or something." I looked at him, shocked. "And they call me a seaweed brain..." I mumbled. "Nico, no, you can't use your own sword. What will he think when you say that you found a sword, made out of Stygian iron, on the street?" I questioned him "Did you even get any sleep the past days? I swear to Hades that I will personally ask Will" I stopped my little lecture as Nico slumped into me, eyes closed. Wait, was he sleeping?! "Nico" I whispered nudging him. "Wake up" he mumbled something incoherent.

"Is everything okay with him" I jumped at the voice. "Yeah, I think he's just sleepy. Is there a bedroom in which he can sleep?" Marco nodded and made a 'follow me' gesture. And that's exactly what I did l. "Here" he said opening a door to a medium sized room.

"Thanks" I said and carefully laid Nico on the bed making a mental note not to let him shadow travel anywhere anytime soon.


Hello my fellow readers. School will end tomorrow! 😆 That means I will have more time to update. Also me and my friend just started a Percy Jackson meme war... my camera roll probably hates me for that.
-Daughter of Nyx 🖤

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