Chapter twenty-four: The calm before the storm

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Damian's POV

I took her hand and was about to stand up when I remembered something important. "Percy?" she hummed. "I- there is something I want to tell you too" She looked at me confused. "I am Robin" I whispered. She stared at me, taken aback. "And I know you're Tidal..." I concluded remembering the prior night.

Silently, I waited for her reaction. "I knew that... I just didn't think that you would tell me that soon." she confused. Now, it was my turn to be shocked. "Wha-how?" I stuttered. She smiled slightly "As you know, I'm Wonder Woman's cousin and also the firstborn daughter of Poseidon. Which makes me the princess of the seas. I was sent here for a reason and the gods told me all your identities as well." to prove her point a beautiful tiara decorated with seashells and pearls appeared on her head.

I was completely dysfunctional for a few seconds. She looked at the ground. I put my fingers under her chin and lifted it so I could look directly into her sea green eyes. "Don't be sad, beloved. I would never judge you." I said truthfully. She smiled at me, warming my heart. When I was around her, I was someone different. "Would you mind telling me about... everything?"I asked her. "Sure" she said, taking a deep breath.


"...that's how I landed here." she finished with tears rolling down her cheeks. I carefully brushed them away with my thumb, having a newfound respect for her. No wonder she was so scared of Tartarus, she fell into it.

I then pulled her close and tightly embraced her. "I will always protect you" I whispered. She clung to my t-shirt and I felt her tears soaking it. "I believe it's my turn to tell you about my messed up life" I said softly. "Yes" came her muffled response. I then proceeded to tell her about my messed up life.

Two hours had passed since I had brought her here and a lot had happened since then. We didn't just know each other better but we had grown a lot closer.

Actually she was the closest person to me. We had just finished talking about all kinds of sea animals when she looked at her watch.

"Sorry Dami. I need to go." she said and kissed my cheek. "bye" "Goodbye Beloved" She was about to run off when she stopped in her tracks and cursed under her breath.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, standing up. "I just forgot that Wilfred isn't picking me up today." "Then how are you getting home" She seemed thoughtful for a second before her eyes lit up.

If we were in a comic book, a lightbulb would've appeared over her head. She whistled loudly. I looked at her confused but she only grinned at me.

I heard something land behind me so I spun around. It was the black Pegasi from last night. "Via Pegasi airlines" she answered my question and giggled.

"Hey Blackjack" Percy greeted and he trotted towards her. "No, I don't have doughnuts" she said rolling her eyes.

Right, she speaks horse and fish. "That's Damian, my boyfriend" she said gesturing towards me. Blackjack's head snapped toward me and he narrowed his eyes.

If it is possible for a horse to narrow his eyes.

He trotted towards me and analysed me. He neighed and Percy laughed. She took my hand. "He approves" she said still laughing a bit. "Glad to hear that" I said.

"Welp, off I go now" she chirped and mounted her Pegasi. He spread his majestic wings and they flew towards the clouds.

I watched them until they were only a black dot in the sky. I then fished out my phone and called Pennyworth "Pennyworth? I'm at school, come pick me up" I said. "Alright master Damian" he said and hung up.

Twenty minutes later the familiar black limo parked in front of me. "Did you enjoy your time with mistress Percy?" he asked me, a knowing smile on his face. Great, so he already knew. I just clicked my tongue and got into the car.

Percy's POV

I landed once again on the, now familiar, roof of the Scarlet's manor. "You should tell your father before he finds out himself." Blackjack advised.

I huffed, hating the fact that he was right. He pocked me with his snout. "It's gonna be alright boss." "I didn't know you had this side to you" I teased.

"Boss!" he complained. "Just joking" I said and threw my hands up in mock defence. He grumbled and shook his mane. "bye" I said over my shoulder, leaving him standing there like a lost puppy err- foal in his case.

I found Thalia and Nico in the kitchen. "hey guys" I said. "where the hades were you?!" Thalia yelled. "With Damian, talking" I answered and looked away so that they wouldn't see the blush on my cheeks.

"Talking about..." Thalia pressed. "They're my cousins, they won't kill him" I thought to myself "hopefully". I cleared my voice. "I-we-he asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend." There was a dead silence in the room.




"WHAT? HE ASKED YOU WHAT?!" Thalia grabbed her hair clip, but before she could turn it into her bow I stopped her. "I said yes" Their eyes went wide before they softened.

"It was bound to happen" Nico said and squeezed my hand. "Good luck" I smiled gratefully at him. "If he harms you, I will kill him" Thalia promised. "But I'm happy for you"

Nico got up and took a package of microwave popcorn. He threw it into the microwave and put the timer on three minutes.

He then got a bowl out of the dish washer. "what are you doing?" I asked him.

"Preparing popcorn." he said stating the obvious. "I get that, but for what?" "You have to tell your father and brother now." he explained and filled it into the bowl. "I hate you" I said and crossed my arms. "Nah, you love me" I stuck my tongue out and gracefully stole some of the popcorn.

I raced upstairs and entered my room. I quickly pulled out my secret stash of Drachmas and called Triton and dad. "Oh Iris, goddess of the rainbow, accept my offering and how me Poseidon. Atlantis." I said ant threw the Drachma into the mist.

"Hey my little sea star" "Hello sis" Oh gods, both of them at one. I hope Damian survives...

"Hey?" I said and fumbled with my bracelet. I looked at my bed and saw Nico and Thalia watching the scene whilst eating popcorn as if they were watching a movie. Traitors!

I made a mental note to take my revenge on them. "I-ah- need to tell you something " I continued.

"Is everything, ok? Do I need to kill someone?" "No, no. I'm fine" I assured them. "What do you need to tell us then?" Triton asked. I gulped. "I have a boyfriend" I blurted out.

"You.Have.A.Boyfriend" Triton chocked. "Yeah" "Who is it?" he demanded. "Damian Wayne. Please don't kill him" I begged.

Dad must've seen the desperate look in my eyes, because he laid a hand on top of Triton's shoulder.

"It's alright my dear. As long as you're happy. But if he hurts you I can't guarantee anything." he said protectively.

I sighed in relief. "I'm happy for you too, little sis. I just don't think that anybody deserves you." I smiled at my brothers words. "Don't worry, if he hurts me, which he won't, I will take care of him myself."

"Oh, I wouldn't want to be on your ' dead to me ' list." Triton joked. I laughed alongside him and then swiped my hand through the Iris message, ending the call.


Hey, I'm still alive and kicking. 😅

Sorry that it took so long for me to update and thank you so much for 40k!!

-Daughter of Nyx🖤

The assassin's princess | Fem Percy Jackson x Damian WayneWhere stories live. Discover now