Chapter twelve: Unexpected things happened today, crazy too but I'm a demigod

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Damian's POV

I was sitting in the limousine listening to Todd's and Drake's constant arguing. Apparently they hadn't took my threat seriously.

Unfortunately I wasn't allowed to bring any sort of weapon to school, or they would've been dead three times over. Four times now.

Pennyworth pulled up at 'school' and I got out slamming the door in Drake's face, startling him.

He glared at me and I just looked at him blankly not at all impressed. I made my way to the entrance, pushing back many girls, and leaned against the doors waiting for the only person I was able to somewhat stand.

I took out my phone and looked at the news. "Hey Damian!" I heard a voice call from behind me. I turned around, stuffing the phone into my pocket. "Hello Jackson." I replied. She skipped over to me and took my hand.

She then proceeded in dragging me to our next class which was math. "Let go of me." I said sternly. "Nope." she answered stubbornly. Surprising myself I let her drag me across the Hallways. She stopped at room 202, our maths room. She let go of my hand and walked inside. I groaned and followed her.


It was lunch time now. I got my food and sat at my usual table. Soon Kent arrived too. He was smiling brightly with wasn't anything new as he always looks like a boy on Christmas Day.

"Hello Damian." He chirped. I raised an eyebrow "Hello Kent, what got you so happy?" he rolled his eyes playfully. He then sat down and started eating his food.

"Soooo, anything you want to tell me?" he asked out of the blue. I looked up to him "No." I said. He leaned forward "You sure?" "Yes" He sighed and muttered something about me being too oblivious.

We continued to eat in silence which was something new. Kent would always blabber about his day or, sometimes, his nights too. "Something wrong, Kent?" "Wha? No" he said, his gaze unfocused. I shrugged it of and unconsciously stared at Jackson.

As if sensing my gaze she turned around and smiled at me. My heart skipped a beat. I quickly looked away my cheeks burning slightly. "What is happening to me? Why does she make me feel this way?" I thought. Kent looked up from his food and examined my face.

He grinned slyly. "Is the Damian Wayne blushing" he teased. "If you want to live till tomorrow, I would recommend you to shut up." I snapped.

Percy's POV

Yesterday had been an eventful night. Meeting the team, answering Robin's a.k.a. Damian's questions and... homework. I hate homework.

I felt someone watching me and turned around. I spotted Damian and smiled at him making him look away. I furrowed my eyebrows, feeling a little hurt. "Everything ok, Seph?(Sara's nickname for her)" Sara, who had had become my best friend in these few days, asked me.

"Yeah..." I answered unconvincingly. She put her hand on my shoulder. "You sure? You look like a kicked puppy." I chuckled. "Yeah" "okay" she said and stuffed her salad into her mouth.

"Now, now, did your parents teach you how to eat properly?" I asked her. Scolding her as well. She looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

She managed to get out an almost inaudible "shut up" I laughed. She glared at me and continued eating. Soon the bell rang and we went to sports class. We got changed and walked out, waiting for the lesson to start. "Ok, we are going to be doing parkour today." A few groans were heard. "Now, don't complain."

He said. "Off you go!" He said and we started preparing everything for the lesson. A few minutes later everything was set up.

We had a climbing wall, an obstacle course and a lot more. "Start with an activity and then, once I blow the whistle, you will move to the next one. We are going clockwise." Mr. Norman said.

I started with the climbing wall because why not. At least when you slip and fall you won't be killed by lava, not like I would fall anyway.

I got right behind Peter. He was part of the football team and a player. He turned to me and grinned. "Hello there my name is Peter." He said giving me his so called 'charming smile'. I rolled my eyes and ignored him.

His smile dropped. "Why are-" he was cut of by Mr. Norman. "Ok go!" Everybody started moving. Peter gave me one last smile and turned back to the climbing wall.

As soon as he was halfway up he started sweating. At three quarters he fell off. I looked at him. "That's all you got?" I asked him. "As if you could do better, sweetheart." He said.

"Don't call me sweetheart!" I practically yelled at him. Then I took a step towards the climbing wall. "Watch me." I said.

I started climbing and 10 seconds later I was at the top and rang the bell. I jumped down landing in a roll and smirked at him.

Everybody was staring at me, including Mr. Norman. "That was amazing Persephone! We could always use a new member in our parkour team." Mr Norman said. "Thanks for the offer, but I like swimming more." "Oh! We got a swimming team too." he said. "If you want to participate just come to me after the lesson." I smiled widely. "Sure!" I cheered.


I walked over to Mr Norman. "Mr Norman" I said. He turned around. "Ah hello." "I would like to participate in the swim team." He smiled but something seemed off. "Of course, follow me."

He walked off to a small room on the other side of the gym. "Come, I have the forms inside." he said. I cautiously stepped inside.

His back was facing me. "You know, I have waited so long to meet you, sea princess." I gasped as he turned around. His eyes grew into one and he grew taller. Then something happened that I would have never expected. Sara came running through the door, holding a... dagger. Then it occurred to me. Blond hair, grey eyes.


Dun Dun Dun
Maybe I'm a little evil finishing this chapter here. Buuut, I will be updating soon.
And thank you so much for 3k!!!
- Daughter of Nyx🖤

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