|02| Father is ridiculous

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My legs resting on the table and my left leg over my right, I dropped my head back against the chair. I let out an annoyed sigh.

Villains are like fake friends, never there when you need them

and I need a distraction

I swept my lazy gaze over the bat cave just as the ground started to shake slightly, announcing fathers arrival. The bat mobile zoomed in before coming to an abrupt stop. Father swiftly exited the car.

If I knew what he was about to tell me, I would've escaped to my room. With a patch of Pennyworth's cookies of course.

"Damian?" father called. I made a sound of acknowledgement and turned in my seat, facing him now completely.

"There is something we must discuss"

I should've seen the signs written in bold red ink, but I didn't.

I ignored them.

"About what?" I inquired, sitting up a little straighter.

"Your mother and I have been talking, and we've come to the conclusion that you must attend school. Like every other teenager your age." I was still, shell shocked for a minute. Firstly, he talked to mother? Secondly, what the actual-

"You.want.me.to.go.to.school?" I repeated slowly, as if I'd just heard Drake trying to convince me that he was pregnant. Again.

"Indeed. You are completely cut off from... human interaction. And people have become suspicious as to why I'm keeping you here" father explained slowly, as if I were some incompetent kid.

"Tt, Since when do I care of what other people think" I scoffed. Father sighed and took off his helmet, running a hand through his hair. "You know what I mean" he said referring to our secret.

As if any of those pea-sized brained people would ever get behind that

But I kept my mouth and crossed my arms. "There is no discussing that. Alfred has already bought everything necessary for your school start on Monday." he stopped "Next Monday"

I scoffed "Tt, no father I will not. I don't want to get infected by their stupidity"

silence followed.

"Damian!" slightly surprised I looked up seeing Grayson dangling from the ceiling.

How long had he been listening?

"You can't say that! And it is good for you, you will realise that later" he said. I scoffed even more. Sure, like the time when you can't have ice cream and their poor explanation is 'you'll understand later'.

Yeah no, there's nothing to understand later.

"No" I said stubbornly, and turned in my seat. "I wasn't asking" I heard fathers footstep retreat and a silent snicker from above me.

I pulled out a dagger and threw it upwards, satisfied when I heard an unmanly shriek and the loud 'thump' of a body hitting the ground.


"Dami!" Grayson whined in high pitched voice. I turned back around to see him tangled up in cords, a small cut on his left cheek. "You just made me loose a bet!"

I furrowed my brows, whilst Grayson realised something. He turned his head to me and grinned mischievously.

What did he bet on this time?

Did I even want to know?


"I won't be mad if you don't tell Jay of all" he gestured to his messed up situation "this"

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