|06| Of pranks and blue cookies

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I sat on my bed, fists clenched in anger.

how dare she

how dare she just prank me like that!

I stood up and started pacing, my feet hitting the ground with a thud each time. I glared at my bedroom door, daring anyone to come inside and try to scold me. It stayed silent.

"I am Robin for crying out loud!" I yelled at the sound-proof walls, slamming my fist on my desk. A few things toppled to the ground, missing my feet by mere inches."Why did I not notice the signs?"

I let myself fall into my desk chair in exhaustion, my anger slowly fading but still remaining in my head like a lullaby.

I can't just let her get away with it

not like this

I stood, making my chair swivel into the wall, probably causing a dent. Not my problem.

I turned, marching to my closet determined and swung the doors open, nearly pulling them out of their hinges. Anger issues? How dare they accuse me of having something as childish as that!

I shoved a few of my suits to the side, revealing the small, faintly glowing button. I didn't hesitate pressing it, as I already knew the procedure. A little needle shot out and broke through the skin of my pointer finger, analysing my blood. "Recognised Damian Al Ghul Wayne. Access granted" the closet made an almost inaudible clicking sound before revealing what I was looking for.

My Robin costume

A smirk made its way onto my face, as I held it. Not even father knew of this one, I'd made sure that he thought it had been burned a couple of months back. Not like I laid the fire, it was just ... an appreciated convenience

I slipped out of my clothes and into my Robin attire as quick as possible. I quietly slid open my window and peeked outside, looking out for watchful eyes. Taking a step back, I activated my holographic computer and pulled up the video surveillance of the batcave. A small figure sat in front of the bat computer, staring at the screen in a trance-like state. Of course

I muttered a few curses before I came up with a decent plan. But one thing was for sure.

Drake, I had to get rid of Drake

Pulling up the files of the bat-coffee machine, something created by Drake himself, I checked for a way to make the system... fail.

And I was not disappointed

A soft tremor shook the grounds of the Wayne Manor, effectively making Drake fall out of his chair in shock. Fortunately, it didn't take him long to realise what exactly had caused the mini earthquake.

Satisfied, I watched as pure horror settled in on his features. He scrambled to his feet and went running to his 'one true love'. Phase one was a success

I then started working on the real problem, namely hacking into the bat system and overriding it long enough for me to slip out unnoticed. I typed furiously into the keyboard, using the knowledge I had been taught by both my maternal and my paternal side.

"Overriding system complete" the robotic voice confirmed my success once again. Phase two complete

I eliminated the clues, which could be tracked back to me, before shutting down my computer. I stretched my sore limbs, preparing myself for what I was about to do.

Slowly I lowered myself ever so slightly and then took off towards the window, my feet giving me the final push as I leaped out.

The feeling of free falling, defying gravity yet not, is spectacular.

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