|04| I meet Robin

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Letting myself fall onto the couch, I let out a sigh.

What a day...

I picked up the remote control and switched on the television in front of me. I had a somewhat good day, and was in no mood to let someone or something ruin it. Especially not a stupid Tv show. Now, what to watch...

Flipping through the different channels, I felt the motivation to turn on Netflix. But then I would have to choose.

Tv program it is.

National Geographic documentary?




Weird people talking called 'the batfam fangirls and us'?

No, what the actual-

How did they even get a show?!

But curiosity still got the best of me and I decided to watch it.

"Hello my fellow bat family simps!" came a high pitched voice from one of the people sitting on a very pink looking couch. With bat symbols all over it. Ew

"Last week we talked about the mysterious Red Hood together with our fangirl of the day Joana! She introduced us to the following question: Is he a bat or not? We would have to ask him to be sure!" someone giggled and I raised an eyebrow.

"Today's topic is the newest Robin! Though he might be the youngest, he seems to be the most 'aggressive' of all. And he seems to really like to use sharp weapons to fight. Though I personally don't think he would break the 'no killing' rule. But we have someone who might be able to answer some of these questions! Now, for our fangirl of the day we have..." drumming sounds were heard in the background.

Then, a girl about my age, with long brown hair and grass green eyes, appeared on screen. "Isabel! This beautiful young lady he has been following Robin's track for quite some time now... give her a round of applause everyone!" sounds of people applauding were heard. Are there real people there?

The girl, Isabel, grinned and faced the camera. She sat down on a free spot on that couch and cleared her throat. "As Arabella already told you, I've been following Robin. And there is one thing, that I can tell you for sure. He's HOT." Isabel giggled along with the other people sitting on that dammed couch. Seriously, why pink?! Blue is so much better!

Isabel pulled herself out of her giggling fit and continued "I found out that he's about my age and not as tall as one might think. But he is fit, I don't have to see his abs to know that. Not that I would mind, though" she winked at the camera, as if inviting him in. I made a face and crinkled my nose in disgust.

"And he has stunning emerald eyes, which I could stare at all day... He should TOTALLY show them more! Now you must be asking yourself, how I know that. Well, there was this one time where he wore a different mask, one that didn't cover his eyes. Those eyes" she let out a dreamy sigh.

The moderator Arabella, or whoever she was, lightly shoved Isabel and wiggled her eyebrows. "Looks like someone's got a crush!"

I huffed, annoyed with where this was going, and switched off the Tv and decided to do something productive. Like homework, ugh. Someone shoot me the day I do it willingly. I'll hand you the gun.

I rolled off of the couch and landed face first on the ground. "Ow" I grumbled and rubbed my sore nose. I wiggled a bit so that the rest of my body would fall to the ground whilst humming 'under the sea'. Just for the vibes...

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