Chapter nine: Apollo is here and brings bad news

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Percy's POV

During breakfast, I was unfortunately bombarded with questions by Damian's brother Dick. I was ready to freeze his dam mouth shut when I remembered I couldn't use my powers.
But I would do it in a heartbeat.
I mentally groaned and waited until breakfast was over.

As soon as it was, I practically jumped out of my seat and rushed to the guest room. I quickly collected all my stuff and threw them into my bag, not caring if it looked untidy.

I skipped out, closed the door and skipped to the door. I heard a chuckle coming from behind me and saw Alfred. "Hello miss Percy, the boys will not be here for another ten minutes or so." He said. I groaned. "Wow, that's a lot of groaning I've done lately." I thought. Realizing Alfred still stood there I flashed him a smile.


I was leaning against some door that lead to some place waiting for the boys. "Drake! Todd! Give me my backpack back!" I heard a voice which I recognized as Damian's yell. I sighed already knowing where this was going.

"Aww, look we made Demon Spawn angry." I heard Jason say. Then they came running down the stairs holding Damian's backpack. I just watched them annoyed and bored. I could see that if I wasn't there they would've started fighting with daggers, guns, katanas... well you get the point.

It continued like this for five more minutes until I finally had enough. I stormed over to them and put myself between them. "ENOUGH!" I yelled. Causing them to freeze and look at me dumbfounded.

"Will you three just quit it?!" I said, calmer this time. Jason opened his mouth to protest but I gave him my wolf glare and he shut up. He looked like he was about to pee himself, personally I wouldn't have expected that from him but, when I am pissed I can be very scary I was told.

Damian's POV

Drake, Todd and I have been fighting for a while until Jackson came and interrupted us.
"ENOUGH!" She yelled. We all froze. "Will you three just quit it?!" She said but calmer this time.

Todd was about to interrupt her when she gave him a glare. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't scared of her at the moment. "So, what is this all about?" she asked.

"Those imbeciles stole my backpack." I growled. Jackson sighed and extended her hand toward Todd and Drake. She looked at them expectantly. "Jason, Tim give me Damian's backpack." She demanded. To my surprise Todd gave her my backpack and left clearly upset. Drake soon followed him, probably to go and get more coffee.

Jackson waved a hand in front of my face. "Hellooooo? Damian? Anyone there?" She asked a smile gracing her lips. She handed me my backpack and for a second our hands met and I got this strange feeling in my stomach.

Even though it wasn't the first time out hands had met, but this time it felt differently.
I realized we were froze in that position and my cheeks started to burn. She quickly pulled her hand back and cleared her throat. "Eh. W-we should g-go now." She stuttered. "Yes" I said and followed her out the door and to my siblings.


I was looking out of the window until I saw the familiar building. Alfred pulled up at the front and we all got out.

Jackson, Todd and drake were talking but they were interrupted when a guy with sandy blond hair, blue eyes and bulging muscles walked up to them. I stopped and watched as the scene unfolded itself.

Jackson wasn't paying attention to where she was going and so she ran straight into that guys chest. "Hello Percy!" The guy said and pulled Jackson into a hug. I couldn't help but feel... jealous? I mentally shook my head.

"I am not falling for Jackson." I thought to myself. "Hey Apollo." Jackson said and smiled at him. "Percy, who is this?" Todd asked. "Oh! Right! Jason, Tim this is my annoying cousin Apollo." She said putting emphasis on annoying. Todd's and Drake's jaws dropped.

Jackson giggled and I felt myself smile a little. "No Damian! Don't!" I scolded myself.
Apollo's smile vanished and he looked at Jackson with a serious expression. "I need to talk to you." He said and Jackson nodded.

Percy's POV

"I need to talk to you." Apollo said and I nodded. We walked out of hearing reach. I turned to him. "What happened?" I asked.

"The mist is starting to fall, not only here but in other places too." I gasped. "B-but how?!" I asked shocked. "Zeus thinks it has something to do with Atlas's master." "Mhm." I said. I held myself back from saying "No shit Sherlock" "Anything else." I asked he grinned at me. " Yeeees, I miss my favorite little baby cousin." He said and hugged me. And there it goes... his serious side, never to be seen again.

Damian's POV

I was staring at Jackson and the Apollo guy. They seemed to have a serious conversation but then Jackson was once again hugged. I let out a low growl. Unfortunately it didn't go unnoticed by Todd and Drake.

"Aww, is demon spawn jealous?" They said smirking. "Shut up." I growled. They looked at each other. "Are you thinking the same thing that I am thinking, replacement?" Todd asked Drake. He just grinned in response.

Then they looked back at me and said in simultaneously: "Demon Spawns got a crush!-" they didn't finish their sentence because Jackson came back. She looked conflicted and kept muttering stuff to herself.


So I decided to include Apollo in this one.
*cough* Lester *cough*
Apollo: hey!
Me: sorry not sorry
Should I include other Gods or Nico and Thalia in the next chapters?
-Daughter of Nyx🖤

The assassin's princess | Fem Percy Jackson x Damian WayneWhere stories live. Discover now