Chapter twenty-two: Apologies

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Percy's POV

Time flew by and soon the sun started to rise in the horizon. I yawned and stretched my arms. "Look at the beautiful sunrise, Blackjack." I whispered in awe. My eyes widened. "By Zeus! It's Monday! I have school." I exclaimed. 

I shot to my feet, tripping over my own feet and fell face first. "That, didn't go as planned." I mumbled and rose to my feet. "Time to go" I chirped and pocked Blackjack. 

He muttered something about doughnuts in response. I summoned a ball of ice cold water and dropped it over his head. "I'm up, I'm up!" He neighed. "Oh, hey boss" he said embarrassed. 

I laughed and he pushed me slightly with his head. I shook my head in amusement. "You're never gone let me live it down" I grinned mischievously. "Never. Can you give me a lift home" I told him. He nodded his head and I mounted him. "Ready Boss?" "Ready." he opened his wings and in seconds we were soaring threw the sky. 

It was a short flight but I still enjoyed it. We landed on the Scarlet's Manor's roof. "Thanks BJ" "Is that my new nickname?" "Guess so" I said and patted him. "Alright Boss" "Don't call me that" I laughed. "Sure Boss" I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out, mature right. 

Anyway, he did the same. I stopped our little fight by turning around and jumping off the building. 

No, I'm not insane, okay maybe a little, fine I am but that's not the point. 

Now, you may not remember but I can fly. Thanks to my uncle the drama queen up there.Though it was a lot harder than I expected. The first few meters I was tumbling in the air. 

But then I managed to somehow steady myself and stop falling. I exhaled loudly and whipped the beads of sweat off my forehead. I looked up and saw Blackjack watching me. I'm pretty sure that if he had some popcorn, or doughnuts, he would be eating those and watch me as if I were his favourite TV program. 

"Thank you for your help" I shouted sarcastically. He fluttered his eyes at me in an innocent manner, causing me to roll my eyes. I opened my window and climbed inside. Someone pushed the light switch on, startling me completely. "Who was that boy you were with last night." there on my bed sat a very mad Thalia with a sleeping Nico by her side. 

And of course that was her first question. Way to go Thals. "I-uhm-huh?" I stuttered. She put her hands in her lap and leaned forward expectantly- "That was Robin" I squeaked. "Robin" she thought "That bird boy right?" "Yup" I said fumbling with my fingers. 

She hummed. "And what were you two talking about" "Nothing important" I answered with a hint of a blush on my cheeks."Do you like him?" "He is a good friend once you know him better." 

"We both know that, that wasn't what I was asking you" "You're right" I mumbled and sighed softly. "I do like him." she nodded. There it was again, the silence. Who is the god of silence anyway? He must think we're best buddies or something. 

"Robin and the Wayne boy are the same person" she thought aloud. I looked at her surprised. "What? It's quite obvious" she said with a shrug. 

"Lets get you ready for school." she said and shoved me into my walk-in closet. On my chair lay a t-shirt and some pants. I quickly put them on and brushed my hair. It didn't change a thing but I can at least say I tried. 

"I'm ready" I said while fixing Riptide in my hair and walking out of the closet. Maybe that was a mistake. Nico was laying, still asleep, on the bed with a bunch of dead soldiers around him. Thalia had her silver dagger out and was fighting some of them. I took a few tentative steps forward and immediately I had gun , swords and whatnot pointed at me. 

I raised my hands in a 'I give up' manner. They lowered their weapons slightly. It was just enough for me to let the pipes explode and send them back to the underworld. Nico was up by then. 

"Sorry" he apologised sheepishly. I clicked my tongue and gestured for him to get ready. Thalia stayed how she was, whilst Nico shadow travelled some of his 'cough' gothic 'cough' clothes here. I opened the door only to run into Wilfred. 

"Hey..." I started but he silenced me with a disapproving look. "Who are your guests, mistress Persephone?" ouch, the full name, he sure is mad. "These are my cousins Nico and Thalia" I introduced. "May I ask how they got into your room?" he asked. "No, you may not" Thalia snapped and pushed past him. 

"She, ah, is a little moody." I tried to explain. Wilfred nodded in understanding. "Breakfast is ready" he informed and disappeared sown the hallway. "That was interesting" Nico said. I inhaled the sweet scent of pancakes and without warning grabbed Nico's hand and rushed down the hallway, grabbing Thalia's as well. 

We turned left and right a couple of times before we arrived in the kitchen. "Pancakes!" I exclaimed and ran towards the pile, knocking over some things. But, unfortunately, before I could get my hands on them, they were lifted off the table which I ran into. 

It literally knocked the breath out of me as well as make me land on my but. "Hey!" I protested childishly. "Don't you want to offer them to your guests first?" Wilfred asked. "No" I said stubbornly and crossed my arms. He chuckled and offered them to Nico and Thalia, completely ignoring me. They happily accepted and sent me smug looks. 

I was still pouting like a three year old on the floor. Finally Wilfred crouched in front of me and offered me a hand. I took it. He handed hosted me up and handed me a pile of pancakes, which I know realised were blue, and some syrup. I poured the syrup onto my pancakes. "Don't drown your pancakes!" Thalia exclaimed. "I can't drown and neither can my pancakes!" I argued.


We finished our pancakes and tucked our chairs in. "Wait by the limousine for me. I will join you there." Wilfred told us. We obliged. "What time is it?" Nico asked, playing with his skull rings. I glanced at my watch. "7:30, school starts in half an hour." I responded.


"The place is bigger than I thought" Nico whispered as we walked to the entrance. "Percy! Wait up!" I heard someone call me. We all turned around to see Sara running towards us with Maia in tow. We waited till she reached us. "Hey" I greeted shyly. "I-we wanted to apologise for our behaviour yesterday. We were just shocked and I overreacted a bit." She said truthfully. I smiled.


Merry Christmas!

I'm sad to say that I'm coming to an end with this story. I also researched the name of the god of silence and secrets is Hapocrates.

-Daughter of Nyx🖤

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