ஜ Chapter Fourteen

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The whole trip to the park was semi-better-ish. I supposed.

Jaemin and Jeno had a few conversations going on, mostly catching up on each other without the other noticing the piercing stare.

It was mostly Jaemin who stared at the younger, often admiring the mixtures of the soft and strong features on his face as he babbled along.

"You still work at a club?" The blond asked as they continued walking around while adjusting his mask. "No pressure though, just asking," he added when the boy didn't respond.

The red haired pursed his lips with a nod, "but why? You're a kindergarten teacher already, why need to go continue being a prostitute at the evenings?" Jaemin asked again.

The younger sighed, "being a kindergarten teacher sometimes isn't enough to pay for everything, especially when you're now independent," he shrugged.

"And I don't do it every evening." Jeno emphasized making Jaemin raise a brow, "I do it when I need to, most likely on times where I'm in a crisis. Plus, Xiaojun takes that spot when not."

The blond huffed, "what do you mean by that?" He asked with his tone lingering a tinge of jealousy.

He somewhat can't help it when Xiaojun is brought up, he gets annoyed whenever he thinks about the times the boy had Jeno wrapped around his arms.

It irked him, like a fucking fly that keeps bugging him even after swatting it away several times.

It's like a hit to the nerve, even though Jeno said Xiaojun was just his friend and they were only best friends with benefits, nothing more or nothing less. Jaemin still gets triggered.

Maybe because Xiaojun had Jeno in his arms all the time, kissing him anytime, touching him without the younger getting angry at him, complimenting him without the boy rolling his eyes.

Jaemin wants that privilege towards Jeno.

He wants to do those kind of things like they did back in highschool, though there's something different compared to it now that he can't quite put a finger on it.

Whatever it was, Jaemin thinks he should wait it out. Because his guts told him to do so, last time he didn't listen he got a slap on the cheek.

"You know," Jeno said making hand gestures to emphasize what he means, "whenever I feel lonely and I don't have a client to satisfy using my body, I ring Xiaojun up."

"And you guys fuck?" The elder blurts out earning an eye roll from Jeno.

"Well duh," he clicked his tongue. "But when I'm not up for it, he wouldn't force me and will just accompany me until I fall asleep," he shrugged.

"Does he pay you?" Jaemin asked again making not only Jeno but his manager and two security guards face palm as well.

The red haired snorts, "he pays me attention when I can't get any, the type I'm looking for and needing for. Not the type that pressures me into insanity."

He then glances at the elder, "and no he doesn't pay me money if that's what you're wondering. He's my best friend, not my client," he added.

Realationship {The Sequel } ஜ ∫ JaemJen【✔】 Where stories live. Discover now