ஜ Chapter Twenty-One

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Jeno woke up gasping for air as he began to tremble, his eyes started to sting as tears ran down his cheeks. All of it kept going, non stop, even after a few minutes later.

He couldn't even go back to laying down, couldn't dare to close his eyes as his breathing was still unstable.

Too wary of his surroundings, he knows he shouldn't be this scared. But it still feels like he's back in time again, back where he was still... Him. In a bad way.

Back when he was still in highschool, where he didn't have anyone until Renjun, then Donghyuck and then Jaemin.

He gets nightmares, it's not that bad and terrifying but... It's still a nightmare.

Where it consists of those people he loves hurting him, leaving him or worse, hating him.

Usually, he gets nightmares about his stepmother again, or Donghyuck betraying him going back to his mother, or Renjun dying, or Xiaojun hurting him.

But this time, it was about Jaemin. He dreamt about the elder cheating on him again, and doing the worse things at him because he was pathetic.

The dream felt real, they were in the school hallways. Jaemin was hugging him by the waist while his hands were on the elder's broad chest. Both of them were smiling.

That is until, after one kiss on the lips, Jaemin pulled away with a scowl. In his dream, Jeno genuinely asked, "what's wrong?" Tilting his head to the side.

His simple question earned him a painful grip from Jaemin, the elder's fingernails digging through his skin.


After a minute of Jeno trying to wriggle his way out of the painful hold, Jaemin then scoffed and smirked mischievously. "You think I actually love you, Jeno?" He sneered.

"W-we're dating, y-you asked me–"

"It's called fooling around and playing with your feelings," nightmare Jaemin interrupted with a grin. "I don't actually love you, Jeno. I just dated you to have fun and get my Hana back." He stated.


With a blink of an eye, nightmare Jaemin teleported away from Jeno, setting the younger free from the painful hold.

However, he's still holding someone, this time a more gentle and loving hold, almost protectively. But it's not Jeno.

"Missed me?" The familiar girl grinned at Jeno, the same type of grin she used to give whenever she accomplished something.

"H-hana?" Jeno stammered confused and– almost scared. His gaze fell on Jaemin's arm wrapped around Hana's waist, like he used to do to both of them. "Wh– h-how?"

"Let me get this through your head, Jaemin doesn't love you Jeno, he loves me and only me. He will never love you, and you're only a toy, a dumb fucking toy." Hana stated sternly.

Jaemin hums in agreement as Hana glared at Jeno intently, "so give up." She scoffed and turns her head to face Jaemin.

Realationship {The Sequel } ஜ ∫ JaemJen【✔】 Where stories live. Discover now