ஜ Chapter Seven

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"so what are we supposed to be talking about again?" Yangyang asked sitting next to Xiaojun on the couch.

Donghyuck sighed when Jeno gestures him to explain their side of the story to their friends since the victim himself is too– down at the moment.

"Well, you all heard about Na Jaemin right?" He asked making sure that his friends aren't that dumb about the small detail.

"Jeno's first lover and now ex boyfriend from highschool?" Yangyang comments remembering the time they were in their highschool days as his friend was his colleague, that had a lover.

The comment earned a deep sigh from Jeno who was just nibbling on the cupcake they baked a while ago as he started to slump his shoulders.

"Uh, yeah, that Jaemin." Donghyuck drawls awkwardly scratching his nape glancing at his sibling who was not in the mood once again.

Xiaojun frowns and gives his lover a look as Yangyang responded with a nod, giving him consent on what he's about to do.

He smiles and pecks the younger on the forehead before patting his lap looking at his best friend, Jeno looks up and hesitates at first, soon walking over to him and sits on his lap comfortably.

Xiaojun wraps his arms around Jeno's torso hugging him close while pecking his cheek. The red haired just hummed biting back a smile, this is why his and Xiaojun's bond is special.

Donghyuck dramatically huffed at the sight before muttering, "brother stealer," to which the three boys heard making the laugh.

"Anyways, yeah Na Jaemin is Jeno's "ex boyfriend"," he said emphasizing with quoting using his fingers. "The reason I'm saying it like that is because that dude is an asshole," he adds.

Yangyang raised an eyebrow, "how so?" He asked curiously and intrigued at the topic of his best friend's dramatic yet emotional love story.

The tanned male bites and munches on to his cupcake that Xiaojun decorated before continuing.

"to sum it all up, basically Jaemin and Jeno's "relationship" was fake for months before that dickhead hurt my baby brother by embarrassing him and using him after getting his girlfriend back, to which after they just had sex."

He then raises his palm when Yangyang was about to scream, "not to mention his so called girlfriend cheated on him in the first place, you see I knew he was stupidly in love. I just didn't know that he was blind too," he adds.

When he gestures that he was finished, Yangyang finally stood up and lets out a scream that was out of anger before rubbing his temples. "Oh how I wished I could find that asshole right now."

Donghyuck pursed his lips before opening his mouth until Jeno halts him, "hyuckie don't," he glares at his elder sibling.

"Hyuckie don't what? What is it? Is Jaemin here anywhere? I bet he is, better tell me before y'all call the police over," Yangyang rambled.

Xiaojun pulls the hem of his lover's shirt down as the boy plops back to his seat still angry. "Calm down will you? Do that later or something," he said.

Yangyang scoffed as Jeno mumbled, "his daughter is my student, we see each other everyday basically. I just– I don't know," he sighed.

"You're holding a grudge aren't you?" Xiaojun whispered earning a hesitant nod from the red haired that was on his lap. "Then why is that?" He asked.

"I don't even want to talk about it," Jeno mumbled playing with his hoodie strings.

The three boys nodded understandingly, not wanting to push the red haired to answer them with everything. He's already in a bad mood enough.

"Change topic, anyways my boyfriend is coming over since it's our day off," Donghyuck said after a moment of silence in Jeno's apartment.

"Injun is coming?" Jeno suddenly lights up at the mention of his long time best friend. His brother nodded making him squeal in excitement, "I haven't seen him even after we started our jobs," he comments.

Donghyuck hummed in agreement, "it has been awhile, I'm pretty sure he misses you more than he missed me. He literally asked about you first when we reunited," he said bitterly.

Jeno laughed making the others smile at him, less worried at what could have happened if they didn't lighten up the atmosphere and changed the subject.

"But don't you have therapy in a few minutes Jen?" Yangyang asked wondering about his friend's schedule of their free day.

The red haired then pouted, his smile disappearing again making the others back to worrying about him as if they triggered something. Luckily they didn't, because the boy just started whining.

"Can I skip my session today?" Jeno begs jutting his lower lip out front while looking straight at his elder sibling's eyes.

Donghyuck winced dramatically, trying to look away from the begging puppy eyes that works so so well to literally everyone the boy meets.

"No can do baby brother, you already skipped last time because you had a flu and I wasn't going to let you meet your therapist weak and tired." The tanned male said.

The younger sibling only whines even more, "but hyuckie~" he drawls, "please~" putting his palms together while kicking his legs as Xiaojun was laughing at the Lee siblings whilst holding the red haired.

Yangyang was trying his best not to laugh out loud and was just eating his cupcake that was one of the ones he decorated yet Donghyuck also destroyed.

"No Jeno, you didn't even take your pills. You need to attend today's therapy session or I'm not letting Xiaojun and Yangyang come over for a week," Donghyuck tries to threaten.

It didn't work though because the word that Jeno spits out whining while starting to get bratty made not only him, but everyone else in the room choke.

"Oppa~" the younger said not knowing a clue on why everyone just stared at him cooing.

Yangyang cupped his cheeks and started pushing them together as Xiaojun was giving him kisses on his neck while Donghyuck– well the elder sibling was on the floor crying.

"So, fucking, adorable," Yangyang coos with his lover while they all ignored Donghyuck crying on the floor as he was messaging his chinese boyfriend to "quickly come over with a nurse." Resulting a panic from the latter.

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