ஜ Chapter Thirty-One

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I'm updating early because I have to go to my aunt's farm for a small gathering with our cousins and to bond with them while cooking some Korean food.

We'll be there for a few hours and there's no wifi.

Hope this isn't shitty.

"babe, seriously, I can just have the guest room and you can have the bedroom." Jeno sighed, dragging his suitcase in the hallway at the second floor of Jaemin's house.

"But there's plenty of space in my bedroom, you can have your side and settle there if you need any boundaries." Jaemin insisted, halting his steps right in front of his bedroom door.

"But I've already bothered en-" Jeno tries to say, but getting cut offed by his boyfriend who gave him a stern look.

"Jeno, baby, you're never a bother to us. Stop whining even though it's cute, and just accept my offers." The red haired boy pursed his lips, still hesitating.

Jaemin sighed, grabbing his lover's hands that was gripping on the suitcase handle into his own, lifting them towards his lips and kissing them softly.

Jeno couldn't help but blush at the action, looking down shyly but peering up through his long lashes to glance at Jaemin's eyes.

"If you won't accept it then... I'll have the couch instead and you'll have my bedroom." Jaemin said, testing the waters.

Immediately, the red haired boy widened his eyes and shook his head hastily, taking his hands back from the elder's grip to cup Jaemin's face. "But this is your house, and that's your bedroom. Don't- just... I'll have the couch then."

The blond scoffed lightly, "I guess we'll both have the couch." He mumbled with eyes showing a bit of mischief in them that made his boyfriend roll his eyes.

"Fine..." He sighed. "We'll both share your room." Jeno mumbled, feeling defeated because his boyfriend just knew him too well sometimes.

"You mean our room." Jaemin corrected, wiggling his eyebrows teasingly to annoy the red haired boy even more.

"I'm too tired to put up with this, let's just go in and go to sleep once I finish unpacking atleast a few of my clothes." Jeno muttered, twisting the door knob and heading inside first.

The blond chuckled softly, shaking his head as he follows suite, closing the door behind him and helping Jeno unpack his things after the latter whined about how tired he is.

It's been a good few weeks with Jeno starting to live with Jaemin and Jieun, the little girl even more ecstatic to have her 'papa' around everyday and sometimes brags it to her classmates.

She couldn't help it as much as Jaemin tried to scold her for it.

However, she still managed to earn a star from helping Jeno on packing up and cleaning the classroom as they both waited for Jaemin to pick them up after school and his set.

Even though Donghyuck was still bitter towards Jaemin (claiming he's a bad bitch and he won't just let that dumbass pass him easily just because he's dating his brother.)

He couldn't help but mutter out a 'thank you bitchass, but don't take this as a 'get out of Donghyuck's wrath card', I still have my claims on you.' while munching on some chips he found in the pantry.

It was nice, having it like this.

Waking up to see Jeno getting ready early, kissing him good morning before heading downstairs and make breakfast, going back upstairs to wake up Jieun and checking to see if Jaemin didn't just lay in bed all day.

Feeding Jen happily, cooing at the now sadly growing old dog who barked in return, letting Jieun eat as much as she can for breakfast, heading out with his boyfriend and the little girl to go on with their day.

Going home fully tired, yet having company and helping hands always made up for it, kissing each other goodnight and proceed to do the same routine.

Today is a Saturday, Jeno has all day to do whatever he wants, probably bond with Jieun who was busy watching some cartoon shows.

Jaemin headed to work really early, saying the set for today was for a sunrise scene and Donghyuck was excited about it because he can finally do more lines since it's now a few episodes in.

He kissed him goodbye while Jeno went back to sleep, after having Yangyang and Xiaojun over to hangout with them (the latter and Jaemin were slowly getting into good terms thanks to Jeno's irresistible persuading.) He was tired.

Right now, he was cooking some lunch for Jaemin and planning on to bring them to him on set, he called Yangyang and Xiaojun over because he can't really drive.

"Remember when you used to make these every morning after our late night hookups?" Xiaojun brings up, snickering when Jeno rolled his eyes at him.

"Yeah, and Donghyuck will barge in to annoy you, Yangyang comes in next to greet us and then annoy you." He recalls, grinning back teasingly.

Xiaojun grunts, "don't tell Jaemin this," he whispered, leaning in to Jeno's ear. "But I hope he gets to go through that next." He snorts.

The red haired boy laughed and pushed his head away while at it, "that's literally up to you guys. Donghyuck will probably do it once he gets a spare key here." He stated.

Xiaojun snorts at his words as he grabs Jaemin's empty lunchbox and help Jeno finish up, now knowing what to do next since he's seen the younger cook this meal a lot before.

Yangyang enters the kitchen with Jen following behind him, wagging her tail happily as she runs up to Jeno and sitting beside his legs patiently.

The red haired boy cooed and packs everything up for Jaemin's lunch, Xiaojun mumbling how delicious it looks and might plan on eating it all on the way to set.

Jeno then pats the dog's head gently, washing his hands right after as they all head outside with Jieun holding his hand, skipping happily towards Yangyang's car.

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