ஜ Chapter Two

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Jeno cleared his throat and played with the bracelet on his wrist, Jaemin saw a glimpse of the jewelry and bit his lip.

It was the same bracelet he got Jeno when they were– dating-ish? Not really, fake dating to be correct.

"Your daughter?" Jeno's voice made him stop daydreaming as he blinked a few times. Noticing the confusion on his face, the red haired repeats, "Jieun, she's your daughter?"

Jaemin glanced at Jieun and nodded with a small smile, "yeah," he said.

Jeno hummed as he scanned him up and down quickly before pursing his lips, "you've changed," he said.

Jaemin raised a brow and scans the younger as well, his was slower though, and also pretty obvious making Jeno's cheeks heat up.

"So have you," Jaemin mumbled as he stared at the boy's lips for a moment before snapping out of it. "In a good way, I mean, the hair suits you by the way." He rephrased.

Jeno blushed at the compliment before nodding his head, "thanks," his voice shy and small making Jaemin feeling a bit of nostalgia. The boy didn't changed much as he guesses.

"Blond hair suits you too," Jeno said as Jaemin chuckled and smiled at him in thanks.

Silence took over them as they stood there awkwardly, suddenly the bell rang and Jieun skips over to them with Jia beside her.

"Daddy! Why aren't you at work yet?" She asked making Jaemin wide eyed as he glanced at the clock.

"Uhm, Mr. Lee and I were just catching up," he said with an awkward chuckle.

Jieun tilts her head and looks at her dad then to her teacher and back to her dad, "you know teacher?" She asked.

Jaemin hummed as Jeno coughed awkwardly making him slightly feeling upset and his stomach churning in a way he doesn't like.

"Uh yeah, we're old friends," he smiled as Jieun gasped and clapped her hands happily.

"That's so cool!" She chirped as Jia was also excited at the information of her friend's dad and their teacher being old friends.

Jeno clasped his hands together and gave a tight smile, "well the bell has rung, so let's all get started shall we?" He said.

The kids cheered before Jeno gestures them to go sit down in one if the tables, the red haired turns back to Jaemin with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"Guess I'll see you at the end of the day," Jeno said as Jaemin pursed his lips with a nod.

"I guess so," the blond said before looking at Jieun with a little smile as the little girl walks over, "daddy will go to work now baby, be good okay? I'll pick you up later," he said.

Jieun nodded as she gave her dad a hug who hugged her back and kissed her forehead, "I love you," he said.

Jieun beams, "love you too, Daddy! Bye bye!" She said before kissing his cheek and heads back to her table.

Jaemin sighed and stood up before giving Jeno a nod who just nodded back with a tiny smile that reminded him of a cat. Fucking hell.

When he steps out, he couldn't help but turn back to look at the red haired who has changed yet was also the same boy he met years ago.

Jeno stood at the front of the classroom now displaying his sweet eye smile with his hands clasped together. He looked happy.

"One, two, three, eyes on me!" He claps and pointing to himself as the kids behaved themselves giggling at him.

The kids clapped back, "one, two, eyes on you!" They cheered as Jeno smiled happily at them.

"Good morning sunshines! I'm your teacher, Mr. Lee Jeno. Do call me anything you are comfortable with, but make sure it's appropriate and respectful alright?" He said.

Jaemin's phone rang making him go back to reality and takes his device out seeing the caller ID. Hwang jun🖕.

He answers the call and rubs his temples, "yeah I know, I'm fucking late again. But hey! It's Jieun's first day in kindergarten, tell our manager that," he rolled his eyes.

The other line sighed, "whatever dude, just hurry up and get here. There's a new actor that'll be working with us," Renjun said.

Jaemin tsked before ending the call and a minute later receiving a message from his colleague cussing at him.

He rolled his eyes before taking his leave and getting his goddamn breakfast meal then heads to his workplace.

Jaemin arrived at his workplace and couldn't believe his eyes, well not actually surprised since it was pretty obvious when he saw Jeno back.

"Fancy seeing you here," he said approaching the new actor who's with Renjun by the boy's side kissing his cheek.

Donghyuck turns to look at him and rolled his eyes, "please tell me he isn't one of the actors with us, babe," he muttered glancing at his boyfriend.

Renjun sighed and patted his back, "sorry, love. Jaemin's our colleague," he said apologetically.

Donghyuck groaned and glared at the blond, "just stay away from Jeno. I don't want him near you," he spat.

Jaemin winced a little and rubbed his nape awkwardly, "uh," he drawls as he pursed his lips. "Jeno and I have already seen e–" he started.

"Goddamit! No, don't you dare finish that sentence!" Donghyuck said pinching the bridge of his nose as if he's getting stressed out.

Renjun sighed trying to calm his boyfriend whilst Jaemin awkwardly stood there already holding his bag and just waiting for the new actor to follow them to the meeting room.

"Why?!" Donghyuck cried out. "Why and how the fuck did you guys see each other? Why now?!" He groans.

Jaemin shrugged and bit the inside of his cheeks, "Jeno is Jieun's kindergarten teacher," he explained staring at the actor who was on the floor.

"Who the fuck is Jieun?" Donghyuck raised a brow with his tone changing into something more sassy and bitchy.

"Jeez, I didn't know you were a pedo," the tanned male muttered out loud whilst standing back up and patting the dust off of his clothes.

Jaemin looked at him weirdly, "ew what the fuck bro, no," he grimaced in disgust at his former-ish bestfriend's words.

Donghyuck scoffed, "don't call me "bro" ever when we're not even friends anymore, we've lost that privilege." He sassed with air quotes using his fingers.

Ouch, okay that hurt. Jaemin brushed it off and answered anyways,"Jieun's my daughter," he elaborates.

Now Donghyuck did cry out on the floor, for real this time.

Realationship {The Sequel } ஜ ∫ JaemJen【✔】 Where stories live. Discover now