ஜ Chapter Twenty-Eight

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As Jaemin enters Jeno's apartment with the spare key the latter gave him, he raised an eyebrow when he saw how relaxed said boy was.

Jeno was calmly checking the paperwork of his students, chuckling lightly at the cute yet funny answers, obviously not as stressed as before.

Jaemin wasn't complaining of course, he likes to see his boyfriend this relaxed and not fretting on his other job.

Speaking of other job, "do you not have a client tonight?" He asked suddenly resulting the once calmed boy jolt in surprise at the newcomer before sighing in relief when he realized it was his boyfriend.

"Do you want me to?"

Furrowing his eyebrows, Jaemin makes a grunted noise before closing the door and dropping his bag full of things he needed on set onto the floor with a thud.

"Well, of course not." He sat down beside his boyfriend, still having that look to which the red haired boy thought of it as a silly look.

"But I'm just curious... Is it your day off? But it's like... A weekday." He said trying to guess what could have possibly happen.

He's just confused, okay? Jeno rarely has clients on weekdays, he usually and prefers to have them on Saturdays or Sundays.

The reason for "or" is because, one of those two days is the times he spends his day with Jaemin and Jieun, especially with the little girl whining about how she wants to play and all.

Jaemin used to discipline her as best as he could, coaxing his daughter that Jeno is quite busy, trying to make her understand or so he just didn't want to spoil her.

Okay, Yangyang betted that Jaemin was just jealous or something that his own daughter will steal his boyfriend's attention and shit.

Donghyuck betted he's probably trying to actually be a good father, or maybe he was just scared of Donghyuck's threat or whatever and that's why.

Renjun betted they were both idiots but he's betting alongside with Yangyang on this one, stating how "Jaemin literally had to punch you on the gut on set for that scene. I bet he would do it again, for real."

Grumbling, Donghyuck just flipped them off and excused himself to buy a can of soda to calm himself down before he purposely goes madly dramatic on set. Off scripted.

That was months ago, now, Jaemin lets Jieun get her way and meet up with Jeno on one of the weekdays while the other non-chosen day is for them to relax individually. Except for Jeno, of course.

Even when Jeno does have an annoying ass client or a packed schedule, he's stressed and tired as hell just arriving earlier than his students.

Jaemin knew about this because Jieun wanted to be really early because she was excited about one of their activities they'll be doing that day.

Upon entering the classroom, he saw Jeno snoozing on the teacher's desk with everything all set for the class to start soon.

He thought his boyfriend was just tiring himself for that day and therefore decided to force some energy in him.

That is until, sweet yet mischievous Lee Jeno, decided to just blurt the truth out because he thinks there's basically no point on hiding them anymore now that Jaemin knows him a little too much as days passes by.

He started off with a forced high pitched tone, probably to make him sound energetic or something, before his tone slowly drifts off into a mumble along with his eyes getting droopy.

Of course, after distracting Jieun with another teacher nearby that they know well, handing out a granola bar towards his boyfriend, and letting the boy chug down his own bottle of water, Jaemin sighed.

That day was the day Jaemin swore to himself that everytime Jeno is having this kind of days, overworking and stressing himself, he'll wait at the apartment while mostly sending Jieun to his mom's house.

Whenever one of Jeno's client for the night wanted to do it in his apartment instead of a random cheap ass motel somewhere around the city, Jaemin would keep himself calm and fighting the urge to just– yeah.

But once they're done and the client for the night would stay for a minute or two more, that's when Jaemin enters without a knock and kicking the guy out.

Jeno could only smile at him reassuringly while smothering his neck and jawline with soft kisses to calm his boyfriend down before he throws a fit again.

Sometimes he lets Jaemin do him again, erasing the random horny ass client's touches and kisses on his body with his own, which is way better.

But I'll spare you the details.

So yeah, Jaemin is just confused.

Pausing his actions and dropping the red pen down on the coffee table, Jeno blinks before pulling his legs up to rest them on Jaemin's lap as a habit and gets himself comfortable.

The blond smiled at him and rests his palms on the red haired boy's thick and attractive thighs, caressing them with his thumbs as he bit his lip when Jeno was just wearing the usual shorts.

"I quitted my job." Jeno blurts out after a while making the elder widened his eyes at him. "Like, I quitted being a prostitute..." He shrugged.

"Wait... But you–"

"My salary is low being a teacher, yes I know. I'm just tired of a lot of things by the people whom knows what I do." Jeno stated leaning his head towards the blond's neck.

Jaemin bit the inside of his cheek, "did someone force you? Did someone bothered you? God, Jeno. I told you to tell m–"

"No." The red haired boy shook his head. "I... I just decided to... I'm tired okay? But I'll find a way about my salary and shit." He chuckled lightly to lift up the mood.

"Does Donghyuck know?"

"All of our friends know, I just told them to not tell you because I wanted to tell you myself personally." He smiled gently.

Jaemin smiles back and pecks his forehead, "well I'm glad you did. And if there's anything–"

"No, I told you, I'll take care of it. But for now, keep me company in your big strong arms, babe." Jeno winked playfully.

Jaemin could only scoff and kissed his temple while the red haired boy continued checking the papers.

Hey... Uh, sorry for the shitty update. I'm like, really really tired and all.

I just forced myself to write this lmao.

Godddd, my fucking eyes hurt, imma sleep or smthn ancjejcje byeee

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