ஜ Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"and don't come back!" Jaemin yelled as he slams the door to Jeno's apartment shut loudly.

There were a few muffled complaints from the other people who lived nearby as they got disturbed in their rest with a loud sound from the apartment number 269.

(A/N: ..... I dunno okay?)

Jeno quickly goes to his bedroom and laid down the sleeping Jieun on his messy bed, still a bit surprised the little girl didn't fully wake up after all that had happened in his living room just a moment ago.

She only stirred in Jeno's arms, her eyes half opened and mumbled a small tired "papa" when she realized the familiar face in front of her before going back to sleep.

After turning his lamp on and tucking Jieun into bed, careful on to not disturb her since it's still a school night, and closes the door gently before immediately stomping over to his boyfriend.

Jaemin was still grumbling some insults at Jeno's client who left with a bruised up cheek, black eye, and a cut on his lower lip, as he stumbled his way out.

Jeno faces his boyfriend who turns to him and softens, he opens his arms ready to engulf the red haired boy in a tight hug, "oh baby, are y–"

He gets cut offed mid sentence on asking if his lover was alright after the panicked phone call at 11 pm of something that made him rush to the boy's apartment.

"Ow!" He yelped when Jeno smacked his chest violently as he scowled at him. "What was that for?" He winced.

"For being a dumbass, are you fucking kidding me? I called you to kindly kick the guy out of here like, not to mention, what you also said to him earlier, but instead get this!"

Jeno ended his rant with a gesture to Jaemin's current physique after the fist fight he had with that guy.

"I was angry, alright? I acted out of instinct." Jaemin tried to defend himself as he lets Jeno drag him by the arm.

"Plus, he called you a desperate slut. Like what the hell." He recalled with his tone changing into anger once again. He's just pissed okay?

The red haired boy rolled his eyes and quickly searched for the first aid kit before returning to the living room as he sat down on the couch in front of his injured boyfriend.

"It's not a bother, Jaemin. I've been called many things before, worst ones too." He sighed as he took out a cotton ball and poured some betadine on it.

He looks back up and gently turns Jaemin's face to the side by holding his jaw, "besides, he wasn't wrong anyway."

The blond groaned at his words and bit his lip when Jeno started applying the medicine on his small wound on his cheekbone. "Bullshit." He cussed.

Jeno flinched at his sudden mood and paused his actions, "huh?" He tilts his head dumbfounded while checking his lover's face if he still has any injuries besides the one he had just treated.

"Bullshit." Jaemin repeated before continuing, "what that guy said is bullshit."

"You're not a desperate slut, and if I ever hear anyone say that or any insults aimed towards you again, I won't hesitate to land another punch." He grumbled.

Realationship {The Sequel } ஜ ∫ JaemJen【✔】 Where stories live. Discover now