ஜ Chapter Thirty-Two

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Arriving at the company building where his boyfriend, his best friend, and his brother works at, Jeno takes the small bag which contains a lunchbox full of delicious food, ready to eat.

Beside him, who shuts the door on their side of the car, Xiaojun pouts at him. "Can I hold it?" He asks.

"Why?" The red haired boy raised a brow, suspicious of his friend's words.

"Because you already have a lot on your hands–"

"I'm literally just holding the bag, my phone and wallet are in my pockets." Jeno deadpans, his face flat while he scans his friend's face who began to sulk.

Rolling his eyes, he added, "you just want to hold it because you want to eat it. I made this lunch for my boyfriend."

"Yeah but–" Xiaojun tries to persuade, placing a hand on Jeno's hip, rubbing it gently with his thumb in circles. "Sweetheart~"

"Yangyang, tell your boyfriend to shut up and quit sulking." Jeno sneered, seemingly not buying the dumb act of 'seduction' because he's usually the one doing it. When he was still a prostitute of course.

The said boy chuckled, holding Jieun's hand as they rounded from the other side of the car and walk closer towards them.

"This is what you get, I'm not helping you, baby." Yangyang said, grinning widely like a cheshire cat.

"But I haven't ate! You're going to let me starve? Jieun, tell these grown ups to... Grow up." Xiaojun grunts.

The little girl had the audacity to snort at him, "no." She shook her head, "daddy and uncle hyuckie said you act younger than me. So uncle Xiaojun, you grow up."

The said man gapes his mouth open, clearly appalled and feeling betrayed by the little girl who he thought had the heart to take his side. "You guys are mean."

"Quit sulking, I'll cook more for us when we get home. But first, let's give this to Jaemin, if their schedule today is here I suppose." Jeno mumbled.

Xiaojun silently mimicks his words, until he almost tripped on something on the ground, probably trash or a pebble. Going stiff for a moment and silencing himself afterwards in embarrassment.

The others only laughed at him, entering the building as they head towards the front desk, smiling at the front desk lady.

"Hello, welcome. What can I help you for today?" The woman, who they recognized and became friends with as Lia, said in a mocking bored tone.

The boys rolled their eyes, Xiaojun snickering at the three empty cups of coffee beside her.

Jeno clears his throat, smiling softly, "is Jaemin here today?" He asks.

Lia pursed her lips, shaking her head in response. "I'm sorry, but their scheduled set today is somewhere at the park? If I'm not mistaken." She tries to recall.

"Maybe you are mistaken."

"The fuck you say to me, De jun?"

"There's a kid." Yangyang mildly scolds, covering Jieun's ears who didn't even react to the cuss word. That's probably Donghyuck's fault.

"You need more coffee, Jaemin's probably at the meeting room watching Renjun and Donghyuck argue about some shit." The elder said.

Lia was about to bite back, until Jeno knitted his eyebrows together, "it's... He's not wrong..." He wonders off.

"Pardon me?" The woman asks, more gentle and polite this time. Ignoring Xiaojun sticking his tongue out at her in mockery.

The red haired boy pursed his lips, pondering in thought. "If their schedule wasn't here, Jaemin would've told me beforehand."

He paused as he looks up at Lia, "did he lie?" He hesitantly asks.

"Uhmm." Lia drawls for a moment. "Okay, don't get me all wrong here or something because I'm actually really tired and I might be actually wrong about that..."

"Lia," Jeno stops her rambling sternly. "Where is Jaemin right now?"

"I just said, they're probably recording at the park right now." The woman mumbled, glancing at the clock. "I don't how long but... Yeah."

Yangyang turns to Jeno who was still thinking deeply, "okay, thank you. We'll catch up with them to give Jaemin's lunch." He said.

The red haired boy was still thinking, he had to be led outside by Xiaojun grabbing him on the arm, reassuring him it's probably a misunderstanding.

"Maybe he was rushing, you know? Or like he forgot the schedule he has." He said, fastening his seatbelt as they drove off.

Jeno could only nod silently.


Once they arrived at the park, they immediately spots their friends, thanks to the obvious gathering of people, security guards around the area, and cameras in every direction.

They head over, Jeno gripping onto the bag to relax himself, he just wants to know why Jaemin didn't tell him they were recording at the park today.

Did he forget? Was he rushing? But even if he did mistaken just a tiny bit, he could've send him a message, right?

Spotting his boyfriend's back, he approaches them with Yangyang right on his tail, Xiaojun now holding Jieun behind the group of people, keeping her entertained with the flowers.

"Okay, cut!" The director shouts. "That was really good, take 5. Give a little more emotion." He said over the megaphone. His voice echoing around the area loudly.

Jeno froze on his tracks once he gets a full view of what happened, and quite literally witnessed the whole thing. Before the director even said 'cut'.

Jaemin turns around with his hair messy, panting until his breath stopped along with his heart when he spots Jeno, shellshocked.

"Can we take a break?" Renjun voices out, spotting what's currently happening.

The director nodded, giving a thumbs up at them as the staffs rushes over to clean them up, redo their makeup, fix the set, give water bottles and wiping their sweats, and etcetera.

Jaemin blinks a few times before rushing over to his boyfriend, who was still not moving, Yangyang was the same behind him, but his face was more on disappointed.


"What the fuck." Jeno spat, his shocked face turning into a more angry one.

"You don't know–"

"Oh, I do know." Jeno said, forcing a really sarcastic chuckle. "Having fun making out with Hana?"

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