ஜ Chapter Four

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Jaemin holds Jieun's hand as they got out of the car and heads inside their house, surprisingly his daughter didn't fell asleep in the car on the ride home.

He closes the door and places his things on the couch while he sits down taking off his shoes, "go and change Ji, I'll be cooking dinner in a few," he instructs.

The little girl nodded with her bangs and untidy ponytail bouncing along her actions as she rushes to her room in a blink of an eye.

Jaemin sighed as he rubs his face with his palms, a little frustrated and– confused? At what just happened today.

"Okay so this is what happened, the Lee siblings are here. Jeno is now a kindergarten teacher, my daughter's kindergarten teacher. He has a glow up too, actually he was already pretty in the first place." He started murmuring.

"Then Donghyuck, he's now my colleague. And he also still hates me. I hope Jeno doesn't, do I still have a chance with him? Maybe I can ju– wait what the fuck–" Jaemin stops his rambling.

He pinched the bridge of his nose, "why am I thinking about him? Oh shit dude the fuck is this?" He rubs his temples.

He doesn't know why he's like this, is he going crazy? Maybe Donghyuck had poisoned him with that glass of water he gave in the meeting? Is he high? Holy shit what if that bitch put in some drugs on his drink?

"Agh!" Jaemin groaned rubbing his face harder and slapping himself lightly as he could feel his cheeks heating up.

"Daddy? Are you okay?" Jieun called from her room while she was probably playing with her dolls which Jaemin had might of even forgotten that he bought.

The single father cleared his throat, "yes sweetie, just– stubbed my toe," he chuckled awkwardly with his voice still cracking.

"Okay!" Jieun chirped and her voice now gone, probably back to her playtime.

Jaemin sighed and watches Jen approach him from who knows where with her paws muddy and her fur messy.

He shrugged and pats the dog's head as the pet pants with her tongue sticking out, which is weird because Jaemin swore it reminded him of Jen– "stop!" He hissed.

The dog tilted her head, confused of her owner who suddenly just yelled at himself while he takes a deep breath. Jen probably thinks her owner is on drugs by now.

"Keep yourself together Jaemin, stop thinking about him. You look like a simp," he grunts and stares at Jen that was just sitting there.

"What in the world is happening Jen?" He asked as if the dog could understand him. "Why am I thinking about him again? I don't even like him," he denied.

Jaemin paused with his actions and watches his dog stop panting with a now cold face. "Don't look at me like that," he groaned earning a bark.

Jeno pays his uber driver who gave a wink and followed by a note which contains his phone number before handing out the change.

"Call me," his weird uber driver said who was trying to flirt with him since he picked the kindergarten teacher up.

Jeno chuckled and winked back, "hopefully," he bit his lip seductively before getting out of the stranger's car and didn't hesitate to give a flying kiss. "See you."

The driver smirked before driving off as Jeno heads inside his apartment building, greeting the friendly receptionist on his way to the elevator.

Once he arrives at the floor he lives in, he steps out of the lift taking out his keys from his bag and unlocks his apartment door when he's found it.

He walks inside and shuts the door, taking off his shoes and placing them neatly on the shoe racket.

He heads towards the kitchen and flinched when he saw his brother standing there aggressively eating the bag of soon to be expired chips from the pantry.

"Gosh, stop barging in my apartment without telling me when you have your own place," the younger sibling said after he steadied his heartbeat.

"I fshucking haish dish," the elder sibling said with his mouth full. "I can't beliesh he's here," he continued getting crumbs on the floor.

Jeno sighed and approached his brother, "first of, don't speak until your mouth is empty, finish your food first." He said.

"And stop eating that, you're going to get sick," he scolded as he snatches the almost empty bag of chips from Donghyuck's grasp.

The elder huffed and wiped his mouth with his sleeve making his sibling grimaced in disgust and takes out a tissue from the box nearby before cleaning his face for him instead.

"Thanks," Donghyuck murmured after Jeno finishes cleaning him up and takes his apron that was hanged up on the side of the small kitchen.

The red haired nodded and walks around taking some ingredients from the cabinets while he continues to focus on the situation. "What's the reason of all of this?" He asked.

Donghyuck shrugged and hands out a bowl from the cupboard behind him to his brother who took it gently. "Just annoyed and– worried? I don't know," he replied.

Jeno hums, "and why's that dear brother of mine?" He asked sweetly yet there was some strictness mixed within it.

The now light brunet haired pursed his lips, he can't hide and lie about it towards Jeno now. Not when the boy used his tone and sweet name calls.

"Uhm," Donghyuck stuttered glancing around the small kitchen as Jeno was patiently waiting for his response while cutting some onions as if he's a mother waiting for his child's honest words.

"Well?" The red haired drawled glancing at the elder boy with a spark in his eyes making the brunet gulp.

"I heard about Jaemin seeing you," he spits out like gum as his face changed from intimidated to angry whenever the topic of their highschool friend-ish was brought up.

Jeno sighed, "I don't even want to talk about it right now," he said not liking what the topic is about either. "It's triggering me," he mumbled sadly.

Donghyuck frowned and walks over to the younger, hugging him softly as the boy quickly wiped off his tears that were building up to his eyes before they could escape.

"Then let's not," he said reassuringly. "Topic over and changed, let's continue cooking so I can get home early. Well if you want me to," he shrugged.

Jeno chuckled with a sniff, "you probably should. My uber driver might be coming over," he said nonchalantly as Donghyuck nodded.

"Well, remember to call or press the button if he crosses the line. Also, don't forget to check if he's clean or not," he snorted.

Jeno rolled his eyes, "shut up, I've been doing this shit since freshman year of highschool. I'm a professional." He said confidently making Donghyuck huff.

Realationship {The Sequel } ஜ ∫ JaemJen【✔】 Where stories live. Discover now