ஜ Chapter One

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"Jieun-ah! Wake up sweetheart!" Jaemin called out from the kitchen cussing to himself when another bacon was now burnt.

He groans and takes the piece of meat towards the bowl for their dog. Almost immediately the samoyed dog, Jen, came running in at the smell of the burnt meat.

Jaemin watched his pet dog take the burnt bacon in her mouth before she runs off to somewhere in the house making a messy trail of oil on the floor.

"Goddammit," He muttered and glances at the time. "Shit," he cussed and turns the stove off quickly finishing up a meal for one person.

He decided to let his daughter have the meal instead because one, there's not a lot of time to cook more and two, Jieun will be late for her first day in kindergarten.

He'll just order some breakfast meal in a random fast food restaurant than spend more time in this damn kitchen wasting and burning food anyway.

He puts the pots and pans in the sink as he looks at the table with a plate of food and a glass of orange juice besides it but an empty seat in front of it.

He sighed and rushes to one of the bedrooms upstairs. He doesn't bother to knock and just goes straight right in to see a little girl wrapped around a big blanket, still sleeping.

Her hair was very messy, not to mention it clearly matches with her messy room. Her teddy bear was now on the floor with one of her leg draped down the side as she was snoring away.

The father clicked his tongue and walks over the bed lightly shaking the little girl to wake her up, "Jieun, baby wake up. It's your first day in kindergarten," he said.

Jieun lets out a drawl whine before rubbing her eyes to see her dad looking like he just finished showering yet he still looks like shit. Which is what exactly happened.

"Wake up Ji, don't you want to go to school and make new friends?" He said deciding to pick her up leading them to the bathroom.

Jieun's once droopy and half lidded eyes turned wide open as she gasps, "I wanna go to school dad! I'm so excited!" She chirped.

Jaemin chuckled undressing her and helping her wash herself in the bathtub full of bubbles. "Are you going to make new friends?" He asked.

Jieun hummed happily and giggled when her dad was drying her hair with a blow dryer having a little bit of trouble.

"I can't wait dad! I wanna play with my new friends and also meet our teacher!" She said as they finished getting ready after minutes of trying to tie her hair into a pony tail.

They walk towards the kitchen as Jieun ate her food that was on the table while Jen came in and sat beside her little legs swinging around.

"Don't forget to listen and follow what your teacher says okay? Also be very good and respectful towards them," Jaemin said.

Jieun nodded at her father's words before she finishes her breakfast and rushes back to the bathroom brushing her teeth while Jaemin just places the dishes in the sink.

"I'll clean it up later," Jaemin mumbled staring at the dishes that were piling up in the sink. He shrugged and gets Jieun's backpack for her.

Realationship {The Sequel } ஜ ∫ JaemJen【✔】 Where stories live. Discover now