ஜ Chapter Eleven

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Jeno pursed his lips shifting his feet to the side as he felt like suffocating with his hands getting clammy.

It wasn't because of the tight space in the elevator, but rather more on him and Jaemin in the elevator alone.

Xiaojun had bid his farewells at the two awkward boys before getting back in to the dressing room since he didn't really have anywhere else to go.

The door of the elevator opens with a ding resulting the two boys look up expectantly but then frowns when they didn't arrive at the first floor.

A man and a woman, possibly partners or relatives, went in the already small space room as Jeno shuffled towards Jaemin's side.

The two additional people just made it even more awkward for the two boys with them literally touching each other's arms. Jeno felt like dying.

Not only that but somehow the atmosphere in the elevator had grew hotter as another person, a janitor, came in as well.

By now, Jaemin and Jeno had their backs pressed against the metal wall in the corner begging for this situation to get over with. How long does it take to arrive at the first floor?

As if they had bad luck, to which that's what they're thinking about now, a sixth person came in greeting them all with a smile to which they gave back.

However, when the sixth person came in and as the doors shut, Jeno stumbled to his feet while he was trying to move away to give more space.

A muscular arm wrapped around his shoulders bringing him closer to the person's side, he looks up seeing Jaemin with a calm face as he adjusts their position.

"You alright?" The blond asked looking at Jeno's frame as he didn't even hesitate to tighten his grip around him.

The red haired nodded coughing awkwardly, "well just relax, we're almost on the first floor," Jaemin whispered in to his ear while looking at the glowing numbers.

Jeno gulped and kept quiet, his brain was telling him to push away no matter how comfortable it is or how embarrassing it will be.

But his body didn't seem to cooperate with said brain, instead bringing himself closer and relaxing himself onto Jaemin's muscular build.

Once they finally arrived, they all stepped out as if they had just went through war. Maybe Jeno wasn't hallucinating, maybe it really was hot inside the elevator.

"Where are we going anyways?" The red haired asked with wonder as they went out the doorway of the huge building already wanting to go back inside when the sound of loud engines crashed through his ears.

Jaemin unlocks his car making Jeno just realized that they were going to be alone, again.

Darn him for not bringing his own vehicle, or maybe for not asking Xiaojun for the boy's keys to borrow his car. Dear God.

"It's just a few blocks away from here, don't worry there's not a lot of people that go there. So it's not going to be loud in that cafe," Jaemin stated.

It was a bit surprising for Jeno, the blond seems to know and remember the fact that he doesn't like crowded places. To say the least, he's impressed.

When he hesitated to get inside of Jaemin's car, the owner raised a brow at him, "well? Get in, we won't arrive there by just standing here. We don't have teleportation Jen," he chuckled not realizing the name he had just used.

The red haired pursed his lips, "can we just walk instead?" He asked scratching his arm awkwardly.

The blond snorts, "look if this is because of us, then you really don't need to have lunch with me today. We can reschedule another time Jen, I just wanted to have a chance to fix us," he said bitterly.

Jeno pursed his lips pondering in thought as Jaemin glanced at him for a moment before sighing, "you can take your time. No pressure, and again I'm not forcing you to have lunch with me, you can head back inside if you want."

The elder said gently with his tone mixed with a bit of sadness and disappointment, though, he tried to hide it as best as he could.

He turns on the engine of his car and buckles on his seatbelt, even though he doesn't want to die today, he feels like he already has a few moments ago. With Jeno.

He leans back heaving a sigh as he fixes his hair and checks his bag that was prepared in the backseat if it has his mask, shades and hats in it.

Another reason why Jaemin chose a cafe that was a few blocks away from the crowded city for his and Jeno's first lunch together after a long time, last one was back in highschool, was not only because of the younger's comfort.

But also because of his popularity, it's no surprise that almost everyone you meet knows a damn clue about famous actor Na Jaemin.

The man was known for his good looks and great acting skills, his flirtatious side and his outgoing personality.

Although, even if Jaemin was well known from a few dozens of people, he tried his best to hide his personal life away from his celebrity life.

Especially the fact that he has a daughter and is currently single, but not ready to mingle, because his love life and his heart is already reserved for someone else who he has been waiting, for a long time.

However, since it's his and Jeno's lunch out, and sort of meeting together. It's obviously private information that can't be shared to his fans yet. Donghyuck would skin him alive as a bonus.

He only asked two security guards and one of their managers for help, it would be quite obvious if he asked a lot of people to cover up his and Jeno's secret meeting together.

That's not his idea by the way, Donghyuck had demanded for one of their managers and two security guards to come with his ex best friend and his brother when he heard about the secret lunch out.

"You really think you can get away with it and not get caught without anyone's help? Bullcrap, you got caught "cheating" on Jeno back then. Plus, you're a stupid idiot Na," Donghyuck sassed.

"Pretty sure you're the "stupid idiot" too hyuck when you used the same words in one diss," Xiaojun snickered.

"Shut up Xiao, you're stupider too."

"Those are similar words babe." Renjun comments.


The door on the passenger side opens as Jeno's slightly small body goes in and plops down on the seat closing the door and buckling up his seatbelt.

Jaemin raised a brow at him biting back a victorious smile, "oh?" He lets out amused by the red haired's sudden choice.

Jeno huffed, "well? Come on and start driving already, I'm hungry," he said turning his head towards the window hiding the faint red color that painted on his cheeks, almost the same tone as his own hair.

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