ஜ Chapter Nineteen

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"you really took my word seriously when I said don't be late," Jeno comments furrowing his eyebrows when his boyfriend stood at the door waiting for him.

Jaemin shrugged, "I didn't want my kitten to be upset," he replied nonchalantly resulting a satisfying blush on Jeno's cheeks.

"Don't say things like that, Jieun is in the nearby bathroom," the red haired boy scolded before continuing. "Also, that was days ago." He chuckled.

The elder rolled his eyes, "so? Can I not make it a routine picking you up early?"

"You make it a routine for me but not Jieun's? That's mean," Jeno said exaggerating his words a bit whilst grabbing his things.

Jaemin huffed and wrapped his arm around the younger's waist when they meet at the doorway, "I'm kidding, sort of..." He trailed off earning a flick on his forehead.

He winced as Jeno pursed his lips, "does Jieun know?" He asked only getting an eyebrow raised from the elder. He sighed and added, "us." Gesturing between them quickly.

The blond drawls an "ohhh" before shaking his head as an answer to his lover's question. "Not yet, I suppose," he shrugged.


"Why? Do you want her to know?" Jaemin hums lifting up the younger's chin gently looking at his pretty eyes while the boy was trying to shy away.

Jeno blushed even more, getting all shy and embarrassed.

It's funny because just a few days ago, he was so confident and aggressive (not like Jaemin finds it sexy and adorable or anything, pfft nooo). Then now, he's back in to his shy shell again.

"It's just that–" the red haired boy pursed his lips before taking a deep breath. "I just feel like it's better if she knows...you know? I... Don't want to keep our relationship a secret behind your own daughter's back."

"I get that," Jaemin speaks up after some thought on the younger's words. "But only if you surely want to," he said reassuringly.

Jeno smiles shyly and nodded a bit, "of course... But do you want to?" He said tilting his head to the side with his eyes blown wide like a child as his hair flopped in the same direction.

Chuckling, the elder tightens his arm around the boy's waist and pecks his forehead lovingly. "You know as much as my daughter and I have a childish feud, I wouldn't keep anything from her."

"You kept our history from her."

"She doesn't need to know how fucked up her dad was back then." Jaemin tries to defend himself even though he knew it was still pathetic.

"You're still fucked up now." Jeno deadpanned with a poker face on resulting his boyfriend to get offended.


"But I find it hot."

"Wh– oh... Really?"

"Don't smirk at me!"

"You started it! But why?"

Realationship {The Sequel } ஜ ∫ JaemJen【✔】 Where stories live. Discover now