ஜ Chapter Twelve

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The car ride was silent and awkward, the atmosphere inside the vehicle was intense even though the air conditioning was on. The two boys even felt like they were sweating.

There was not even music playing by either the radio or one of the boys' cellphone. It was just the sound of the engine and horns honking from different directions.

Jeno was keeping himself busy on the scenery they passed by, he's bad at communications even though he's a kindergarten teacher. But that's besides the point, he's with his "ex" right now.

Meanwhile, Jaemin was busy on the road as he thought of the words and possible topics they could talk about later on when they arrive.

No one uttered a word the whole ride, not even Jeno who was still curious about where they're going to. Not even Jaemin who wanted to compliment the younger.

Though, the red haired did not miss the way the blond was glancing at him from time to time, pursing his lips together with a tint of pink on his cheeks.

The action made him feel shy and the familiar feeling of butterflies in his tummy, just like years ago. Thus, he looked away and turned his head to the window ignoring the possibility of getting a stiff neck from it.

Once they arrived, Jaemin wore his face mask and cap as he waited for the younger who was getting out of the car.

They head inside as the blond scans the area and saw his manager and two security guards in one of the tables in the cafe, not too far and not too close to their reserved one also.

"You already reserved a table for us?" Jeno can't help but chuckle when he noticed the three men too, he obviously recognizes them since they're Donghyuck's staff as well.

Jaemin nodded at him, "I like that spot, and it's usually secluded from the noise," he shrugged as they came in front of the counter and said their orders after scanning the menu for a few minutes.

The two then heads to the table sitting down on the chairs across from each other as the awkwardness immediately came back afterwards.

"So–" Jaemin drawls and pursed his lips, "it's been awhile," he said earning a brow raised from Jeno. "Since we like– had a decent conversation and like– hangout I mean," he rephrased.

The younger chuckled from that, "I guess it has been quite a long while," he said playing with the ring on his finger. "How have you been?" He asked deciding to be the bigger person for this situation.

The blond blinks and snaps out of his stupor from staring at the jewelry around Jeno's ring finger as the boy had his soft hands placed on the table.

"Uhm, so-so. Jieun sometimes stresses me out a bit but that's part of parenting right?" He chuckled to lighten up the mood.

Jeno snickers at that and hums, "of course, children are playful and needy. They just need some attention and love," he said smiling a bit.

Jaemin hums in agreement before coughing awkwardly in to his fist, "so uh– are you married?" He blurts out and immediately wanted to just cancel this meeting instead feeling like he just ruined it.

The red haired pushed his tongue against his upper teeth as he stares at the ring on his finger as if it was his first time seeing it. "Was supposed to," he mumbled.

Realationship {The Sequel } ஜ ∫ JaemJen【✔】 Where stories live. Discover now