ஜ Chapter Fifteen

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Jieun enters her classroom with a frown on her face, seemingly upset at something– or someone. "Morning Jieun-ah, why the long face, sweetie?" Jeno greets approaching the newcomers.

The little girl huffs and points an accusing finger behind her to the man she was with, "daddy has been very mean!" She pouts at the kindergarten teacher.

Jeno furrowed his eyebrows looking up at Jaemin who was baffled at how his own daughter just accused him on something, "what did I do?" He asked clearly confused.

Jieun crosses her arms and pouts even more with her eyebrows knitted together, "you don't let me go to McDonald's anymore!" She stomps her foot on the ground.

The blond groans and face palms, "because you've been eating junk food a lot these days, even asking ice cream before meals," he reasons trying to discipline Jieun.

The little girl wasn't backing down when Jeno kept silent, no way is she letting her father get away with this. "You don't play with me too!" She scoffs.

Finally, Jeno exasperated a gasp looking at Jaemin who actually found the action cute. Like a little kid.

"That's so mean!" The red haired said looking at the blond with a pout as he crosses his arms, "don't be mean to Jieun, Jaemin-ah!" He scolds.

The elder looked flabbergasted, "me?!" He said offended. What the hell did he even do?! "But–"

"That's it, be more nice to Jieun or I'm not giving you a star today," Jeno said threateningly as Jieun beams feeling victorious.

Jaemin huffs with a nod agreeing to being nice towards his daughter, "fine, I'll play with Jieun and bring her to McDonald's." He said feeling defeated.

The little girl cheered and then paused, "can we go later?" She asked pleadingly with her hands together to emphasize how she's in need to go to McDonald's as soon as possible.

The single parent sighed still feeling miserable, "I suppose so," he said clicking his tongue.

His daughter wasn't finished as he thought she was, she then proceeded to ask, "can Mr. Nono come with us?" Resulting two adults to look at each other in shock.




"Okay," Jeno spoke up cutting off the father and daughter mini battle as he smiled at them, "I can go with you guys later," he said for confirmation.

Jieun beams excitedly and runs off towards her friends to brag how their teacher will be joining her to a trip to McDonald's today.

"What?" Jaemin said as the two were left at the doorway, they moved outside a little so they wouldn't be blocking the entrance.

The red haired rolled his eyes, "did you not hear what I said? I said I'll be going with you guys later to McDonald's," he repeats.

The blond blinks, "wait– you don't have to–" he tries to say to explain how Jeno really didn't have to agree on anything Jieun wanted.

With a sigh at how Jaemin was being stubborn and fucking annoying early in the morning, Jeno grabs him by the collar and leans their faces close as he heard the elder's breath hitch at the action.

"Listen up Na Jaemin," he drawls. "You better shut the fuck up right now especially since it's still early in the morning and I literally had a bad start because of my client last night," he starts.

"So you better just let it happen and accept that I'm going with you and your daughter later to McDonald's to make her happy, and if you don't–" he paused.

He leans in even closer to Jaemin's ear and smirks, "I suppose you won't be getting lucky stars from me anytime soon," he said pulling away to look at the blond in the eyes fluttering his lashes.

The elder gulps at the sight, he glances at Jeno's pink Cupid's bow shaped plump lips before blinking, "o-okay," he stammers suddenly feeling hot.

"Maybe because Jeno, who is literally an inch close to you, is fucking hot– shut up inner Jaemin and don't pop a boner."

The red haired relaxes and smiles at him looking back to his innocent face as if he just didn't say and did the hottest thing Jaemin has ever seen.

"Good," Jeno cheered as the school bell rang. He hums and flutters his eyelashes again at the elder.

"I guess I'll see you later," he said kissing Jaemin on the cheek before skipping back inside the classroom with a grin.

The blond was left in the hallway frozen on his spot, what the fuck just happened?

He shakes his head multiple times to get back in to reality as he slowly lifts his palm pressing it against his cheek where Jeno's lips were just at.

"Holy fuck," he breathes and looks down. "Ah fuck," he groans before rushing outside to get back in his car as he starts the engine.

He then calms himself down and drives towards the company building after Renjun spams his phone with messages –including insults– on where the hell he is right now.

"Ew you look in love,"

"No I'm not," Jaemin said glaring at the mirror sending the look towards Donghyuck by using his reflection.

"You definitely are," the tanned male argues with a huff and plops down on the couch while his boyfriend was scrolling through his phone.

"So who's the unlucky guy?" He proceeded to butt in making Jaemin irritated, to which he grins at. God, he loves making that man's life miserable.

The blond winces when his stylist pulled a bit too hard on his hair as she apologized for the mishap, "I'm not in love, and there's no one unlucky when they're with me."

"Tell that to Jeno," Renjun blurts out looking up with a fake shocked look before snickering. "Oh you don't have to, pretty sure he already knows." He added.

Donghyuck laughed as Jaemin only flips him off, "anyways what did actually make you have that ugly ass loving look today?" He said leaning back against the couch.

The blond pursed his lips before chewing on it, "Jeno kissed me," he said dreamingly as he heard a glass being shattered.

"Oops, my bad," one of the staffs said scratching their nape awkwardly before cleaning the mess up that he made when his elbow had pushed it accidentally.

Meanwhile, Donghyuck stood up back on his feet with a look, Renjun could only sigh as if he's seen this coming and he's sending prayers to Jaemin right now.

"He did what?!"

"Oh dear God."

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