ஜ Chapter Twenty-Four

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Jeno laughed at the video Jaemin shows him on his phone as the red haired boy was reading some books after doing some checking and scoring of his students' works.

"Are you hungry by any chance?" He asked looking up at Jaemin and adjusts his position.

His head was resting against his boyfriend's broad chest, the blond's arm wrapped securely around his shoulder and his legs were curled on his right side like a mermaid sort of position.


Jaemin hums and lifts one of his leg and crosses it over the other one, "we can either order or if you're up for it, we can cook some food." He suggested as he looks down back at the red haired boy.

Jeno pursed his lips, "let's just cook,  besides, don't you have to go to set today?" He raised an eyebrow and closed the book he was reading.

Jaemin laughs at him, "I can call in sick for you." He winked playfully but his tone in his voice said otherwise, and the way he leans in too close adds up Jeno's assumption.

The red haired boy rolled his eyes and gave a quick peck on his lips before the door busted open as his dear brother interrupts them.

"Can you please knock? And don't do that to my poor door, Xiaojun already broke it when one of my clients wouldn't leave." Jeno scolds.

"Wait– someone bothered you? Why didn't you call me? And why Xiaojun?" Jaemin frantically bombarded with questions feeling slightly offended but more on jealous, but he didn't say that... I mean what?

Jeno scoffed and loops one of his hand around the blond's neck as he played with the hair on his nape, "because," he paused before tugging on the hair harshly along with his eyes turning into a glaring look.

"We weren't dating that time yet, now don't be jealous. Xiaojun is nothing more than my best friend with benefits, you however is my super hot boyfriend." He said sweetly, but there was a small hostility underlying in his tone.

Jaemin hums, atleast a little satisfied about the last part. No, actually, only on the last part. Whatever Jeno said besides that was blah blah blah.


They both sighed and turns to look at Donghyuck who was gripping on his mobile phone tightly. "Well hello dear brother of mine, how unexpected for you to go here, intruding my privacy." Jeno sarcastically said.

"Whatever, my apologies, but that's not the reason why the hell I ditched my breakfast date with Renjun this morning and rushed here instead. So better listen before I die by the hands of that midget."

Donghyuck was sweating as he kept cussing, and all the couple sitting on the couch in a very close distance (I don't think distance exists anymore but okay) was; "I'm so glad Jieun is at her friend's playdate today."

With a sigh, Jeno leans back against Jaemin's broad chest again, feeling warmth surrounding him by the arms of said boyfriend who kissed his nape lovingly.

"What the fuck were you guys doing last night, huh?!" Donghyuck remarks stomping over to them.

"What are you talking about?" Jeno blinks tiredly as he hums when Jaemin didn't stop whatever he was doing in the wrong moment.

Donghyuck sarcastically laughs, looking like an idiotic psycho, before abruptly stopping himself. "What am I talking about? I'm talking about the missed calls and unread messages from me! You scared me, Jen."

The red haired boy frowned, feeling guilty when he didn't mind the worried contacts from his sibling and didn't reply to any of them this morning since his phone died.

"I'm sorry, I thought it wasn't important, that's my fault, Hyuckie. My phone died this morning and I guess I got too distracted." He said looking down.

Feeling his heart soften for no reason but whatever, Donghyuck sighed softly. "It's fine, Jen. But you could've just told me where you were beforehand and even borrow Jaemin's phone to call me."

"I know... I'm sorry..." Jeno said chewing on his lip.

"I forgive you." Donghyuck said and reached down to ruffle his brother's hair before asking, "wait– what did you guys do last night?"

The couple looked at each other before pursing their lips, "I'm not sure if you'd even want to know." Jaemin said hesitantly.

Donghyuck's face turned into a scowl, "you guys fucked?" He grits his teeth tightly and crossed his arms.

Jeno rolled his eyes at him at that, "I'm not a kid, and yes we did. He didn't force or cross the line so calm down will you?"

With a huff, Donghyuck sent a last small glare at Jaemin. "I'm on to you." He threatened.

The blond shrugged, "okay." He said nonchalantly as if he's not atleast a bit intimidated of the threat.

"Whatever, now get ready because we're heading to set now. Jen, you wanna come with or do you have something else to do today?" Donghyuck said.

Jeno pondered in thought before replying, "I'll go with. I have a client somewhere around 6 pm but I have time," he shrugged.

With a nod from his brother, they all stood up and get ready to leave as Donghyuck had to buy them some food in a nearby drive in since the couple were pretty hungry.

Once they got in the building and went to the designated room/area, Jeno followed his brother and his boyfriend around whilst clinging onto said boyfriend's bicep.

They met Renjun sooner or later with the chinese actor nicely greeting his best friend, and curtly waving at Jaemin, before proceeding to bicker to Donghyuck for his stunt this morning.

Jeno looked around and froze when his gaze fell on someone. He nervously looks up at Jaemin who rolled his eyes at the bickering couple.

"Babe...why is she here?"

Realationship {The Sequel } ஜ ∫ JaemJen【✔】 Where stories live. Discover now