ஜ Chapter Six

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Jeno woke up feeling pain on his lower back as he turned around to face the man he was with last night, the person he could also rely on besides Renjun and Donghyuck.

He puckered his lips and kissed the sleeping man's nose who scrunched his face in return from the action as he tightened his grip around Jeno's waist.

"Ya, Xiaojun hyung wake up," Jeno said softly, he shifts and shook the elder's bicep making the latter grunt. "Wake up~" he sang.

Xiaojun, a common guy Jeno spends his time with. He met the elder a few years ago after two weeks of moving in with his family in New York, making them somewhat close to the point Donghyuck even gets jealous saying he was stealing away his baby brother.

Xiaojun was in an open relationship with Yangyang, Jeno's old colleague back at his old city where his life started.

The elder has introduced him to his lover after months of getting to know each other, it was surprising but nonetheless no hard feelings.

Jeno hadn't stopped at what he was doing even after they moved to New York, Donghyuck claimed he didn't need to continue of being a prostitute as he was there for him.

But being a stubborn boy he is, Jeno refused and made a promise with his brother that he would only continue his doings if he needs to, considering the money he gets from being a kindergarten teacher is sometimes not enough.

By that, Xiaojun came into the picture. He insisted that he could help his friend by volunteering into the sexual activities for him instead of just strangers on the streets.

Jeno was hesitant at first, of course he is, who wouldn't be? He didn't want to ruin not only his and Xiaojun's friendship, but also his and Yangyang's friendship.

The elder had brought his lover to discuss the situation with Jeno, both claiming they're in an open relationship and as long as there's no feelings involved.

Thus, here they are now, the next morning after having a wild time last night because of Jeno's frustration towards a certain blond haired man with a cute daughter who's one of his students.

Xiaojun finally opens his eyes and glares at the younger boy, "you're really energetic even after a few rounds last night, I still don't get that," he grumbled.

Jeno giggled and cuddled closer, "maybe you didn't go hard enough like I begged you to," he shrugged.

A smack on his butt was felt making him squeak at the action, "shut up, that's not what you said after I literally did everything and you were so loud last night," Xiaojun teased.

The red haired pouts, "so mean," he whined earning a laugh from the elder who pecks his head before sitting up.

"Aren't you hungry then? Why are you still in bed Jen?" The brunet said brushing Jeno's bangs away from his eyes as the boy was just lazing around.

"I'm lazy," Jeno said watching Xiaojun get up and grab a few clothes from his backpack that he brought last night knowing there's a chance he'll sleep over, a usual routine.

The elder snorts and picks Jeno up in his arms bridal style, "shower with me?" He asked already heading towards the bathroom.

The younger chuckled and lets himself get taken care of by his friend who was very caring towards him, as if he's made of glass like his heart.

Jeno hums along to the music playing through his bluetooth speaker on the kitchen counter while mixing the ingredients in the bowl using a whisk.

A pair of arms wrapped around his waist as the person sways their bodies together side to side as if they're dancing.

"When is Yangyang going to be here?" The red haired asked still mixing the ingredients together to make some cupcakes for them.

Xiaojun hums, "in a few minutes or so, I believe Donghyuck will arrive first," he shrugged pecking Jeno's cheek.

Most people would mistaken them as a couple, considering of how intimate they are to each other. But that's just how their bond is, they may look like they're in the lovers stage but no feelings there.

Sure, Jeno has gained a little bit of crushing towards the elder when they first met and not to mention Xiaojun liking him back, but both boys had decided that they're better off as friends.

Their bond grew along the way, as well as their skinship to each other. If people knew about Xiaojun's relationship with Yangyang, they would assume the former was cheating.

But alas, the three have already discussed that topic too many times and explained to other people that there are really no feelings there. Jeno and Xiaojun are just like that.

They give each other kisses, hugs and petnames as a joke or a sign of affection, also a way of teasing Yangyang or Donghyuck at some of the times.

So in conclusion, they're just best friends with benefits. Only addition is that Xiaojun is in an open relationship with someone else, meanwhile Jeno is just craving for affection.

It was risky, yes, but they managed to compromise and make it through the hardships. They didn't cross any line especially behind Yangyang's back, no way is that even going to happen.

They have their boundaries and whatnot, respect each other's opinions, needs and emotions. Like when Xiaojun was busy, Jeno didn't force him to come over.

Or like when the red haired was just in a deep moment again even after therapy for his PTSD and depression, Xiaojun didn't force him into anything and just took care of him without anything sexual.

So really, it's as easy as that. It's risky but at the same time not really.

What was even more risky was Jeno's big mistake with Jaemin. Because that time, feelings were definitely involved.

"Hello bitch and baby brother, what's cooking good-looking?" Donghyuck said barging in Jeno's apartment.

His younger brother giggled while Xiaojun rolled his eyes only grumbling but soon lightened up at the sight of Yangyang coming behind the tanned male.

"I'm making cupcakes, do you guys want to decorate it?" Jeno asked finally finished mixing and pouring the dough on the tray specifically for cupcakes.

"Are we competing again? We all know Donghyuck is just going to sabotage everyone's work," Yangyang comments approaching his lover.

Xiaojun pecks him on the lips as Yangyang gave Jeno a hug right after, "also, did my boyfriend hurt you last night? He better not, or I'm cutting his dick off," he threatened towards his beloved.

Jeno only laughed and kissed Yangyang on the cheek, "no don't worry, he didn't hurt me and all," he answered as the other lets out a sigh of relief.

"Well he better made you feel better, by the way, what was the cause of your frustration?" Yangyang asked sitting down on the chair.

The red haired sighed and gave a look towards Donghyuck, the elder sibling nodded and pursed his lips. "That's another reason why we're gathered here, a topic that's– scandalous."

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