ஜ Chapter Thirteen

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"so–" Jaemin drawls clearing his throat as Jeno raised a brow at him while sipping his strawberry smoothie. "Did you enjoy the food?" He asked.

"Well I'm not poisoned yet, so I guess," the red haired chuckled saying it as a joke. "But in all seriousness, yes I did, thanks for bringing me here," he mumbled.

The blond bit back a smile, "no problem," he said stirring his straw on his mango smoothie. "I wanted you to enjoy it anyway," he shrugged before taking a sip as well.

Jeno then hums, "so are we just going to end out meeting like this?" He asked making Jaemin look up with confusion on his face.

"What do you mean?" The elder said trying not to sound too hopeful. What was Jeno implying?

The red haired sighed, "so are we just going to end it like this with me sharing my story after I left while yours remains a secret?" He said tilting his head.

Jaemin chuckled and leaned back crossing his arms on his chest, "curious now are we?" He teased with a slight smirk on his face.

Jeno rolled his eyes, "I'm only asking because it's the polite way to do so. And you brought me here to have a chat, not just me sharing everything in my life while you didn't do the same," he retorts.

The elder hums before pursing his lips, "what do you want to know hm?" He said adjusting his cap on his head to keep half of his face hidden.

"I literally told you everything that happened, so it's fair enough that you'd do the same," the younger said with a huff.

The blond nodded understandingly, "well after you left, Renjun had only hung out with the rest of the boys while keeping distance from me. He was mostly alone, just like you."

Jeno looked a bit offended at the last part as Jaemin widens his eyes in realization, "not in a bad way of course!" He defends only earning a stiff nod.

"Then in college, Renjun and I were in the same course, so obviously we'd be buddies for those few years." The blond continued and took a french fry from his plate.

"Ah, I'm surprised you chose acting as your ambition," Jeno said taking a bite of his cupcake with his bitch face on.

"What do you mean by that?" Jaemin can't help but ask, though after seeing how the younger's face and attitude changed back to how they had their first conversation in awhile, he guesses he'll be hearing shit.

"Well you were a football player, a quarterback. I was expecting you to go through that path and be a football star like in TVs since that's what usually happens," the red haired started.

He then wipes his mouth with a tissue to get the frosting off before adding, "but I guess you chose being an actor after fooling everyone with your "acting skills" back then," he remarks.

Jaemin grunts, "this is why I wanted to have a chat with you and fix us, let go of the past," he sighed as Jeno only grins slightly at him.

"Trust and love are earned, not deserved." The red haired hums taking another bite of his cupcake with the frosting getting on his nose.

Realationship {The Sequel } ஜ ∫ JaemJen【✔】 Where stories live. Discover now