ஜ Chapter Thirty-Three

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"wait, wait wait wait wait–" Jaemin said, knitting his eyebrows with his palms and head shaking along. "Jen, baby. We're just acting." He emphasized.

The word 'acting' sort of got under Jeno's skin, a shiver going through his spine in a bad way, a few fading voices echoing in his ears as his vision showed a familiar old scenes for a moment.

"Why aren't you with Hana?" He asked in curiosity and tried to hide the sourness in his tone. Jaemin shrugs as he pushed the doors open for them.

"She's with Jeongin," he sighed, "we still need to act more, that thing in the janitors closet on Tuesday was just a quick make out for her. Apparently, she just wanted to play around but still not falling for it."

"Yet atleast," he adds and furrows his eyebrows before shaking his head, "I think she's starting to?" He paused, "whatever, basically we need to act more."


The caramel haired sits them both down with Jeno sitting on his lap. "I can't believe you did that," Jeno whispers turning his head.

Jaemin smirked, "gotta work hard and make it believable you know?" He whispers back leaving a kiss on his ear.


Clenching his jaw, Jeno scowls at the elder blond. "I know you're just acting, I'm not a fucking dumbass." He spat.

Yangyang places a hand on the red haired boy's shoulder, giving it a small squeeze to hopefully calm him down.

Jaemin blinked before letting out a forced chuckle, "then, why are you upset? You knew it was just acting, but why are really pressed up about it?" He said.

Yangyang huffs behind the red haired boy, wanting to say something back, but Jeno had beat him to it.

"I knew it was acting, but I wasn't informed by it beforehand and instead had to witness my damn boyfriend kissing his ex like it was back in highschool all over again." Jeno grits through his teeth.


"Since when?"


Jeno turns to glance at Donghyuck and Renjun who looked away in guilt, his brother rocking on his feet back and forth making it more obvious.

"Since when have you guys known?" He said sternly, his eyes scanning his friend and his brother's behavior, observing the way Renjun chewed on his lower lip.

Earning nothing but silence and the way they didn't even make eye contact with him, Jeno is at the very edge before he explodes. "I'm asking one more time, since when have you guys fucking knew?"

"You must've known, right? Of course you would, you guys had a meeting, script, and practices or shit like that. Since when have you guys known?" He began ranting.

A small annoying laughed was heard, Hana walking towards them with a satisfied grin. "They haven't told you? Oh, you poor thing." She sneered.

"It must suck to watch that all happen, your boyfriend wrapping his arms around me like he owns me. How sweet." She added, fanning herself with a small electric fan.

Realationship {The Sequel } ஜ ∫ JaemJen【✔】 Where stories live. Discover now