ஜ Chapter Ten

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Donghyuck barges in the dressing room after he left the set first leaving the others behind, already disgusted at the sight of Na Jaemin's wide smile as if he had already won the best actor award.

He knew something happened back in their dressing room, or well was about to happen, but besides the point. Na Jaemin's smile had gave it all away.

Thus, here he is, barging in on Jeno and Xiaojun in each others arms as the latter was holding a phone with a funny cat video playing. Curse him for knowing Jeno so well, Donghyuck can't even distract his brother easily.

"Lee Jeno!" He calls out resulting the said boy to flinch at his tone of voice. "Come here," he orders as he looks at Xiaojun, "you, out." He snaps.

Xiaojun rolled his eyes and left the room after kissing Jeno on the cheek as he shoved Donghyuck's shoulder with his own to just stir some fume on the tanned boy.

"What's up?" The red haired said watching his brother pacing back and forth in the dressing room while rubbing his temples as if he's stressed. "Did I do something wrong?" He then adds innocently.

Due to his pure obliviousness and innocence, Donghyuck lets out a dramatic cry falling on the dirty white floor that had probably been peed on from their manager's dog a few hours ago.

"Why did you agree to him!?" He screeched sobbing dramatically even though he actually really wants to right now. Curse Na Jaemin, and Jeno's purity.

The younger sibling raised a brow, "who?" He asked again but already had an idea on who the hell he had an agreement with and the reason his brother is being weird.

"Jaemin! That stupid idiot!"

"That's both the same thing"

"Exactly! Jaemin and stupid are both the same thing!"

Jeno rolled his eyes at his brother's words, if they were in public right now out in the open with other people, he'd be so embarrassed and will probably leave the tanned male alone.

"I thought we agreed? He was an asshole and had hurt you! Why did you even agree to have lunch with him?" Donghyuck cries again punching the floor weakly.

The red haired sighed, "I've just been thinking that maybe he was right," he mumbled watching his sibling thrash on the floor weirdly like a wet dog with lice.

"Right about what?" Donghyuck scoffed doubtful, Na Jaemin right about something? Bullshit, that dude couldn't even pick the right person to be his romantic partner.

"That maybe the two of us can have a chat and maybe fix us," Jeno replied twiddling with his fingers.

The elder brother huffs, "fine, you two have lunch together. But if he does something, scream really loud and call for help," he said.

The red haired snorts, "sure," he said and stands up to head out of the dressing room and escape his weird sibling as he saw the time.

"Wait!" Donghyuck catches up to him as he turns around with a brow raised. "You're holding back aren't you?" The tanned male said gently this time.

The tanned male softens at the sight of his younger brother's sad eyes. "You know, if you for sure hated him, you would've pushed him away and snapped at him." He comments.

"But from what I saw, none of that happened."

"Yeah it did, I told him I didn't trust him earlier"

"Yet you still agreed to have lunch with him, alone. To meet up with him willingly without anyone else to join you guys." Donghyuck said, "tell me Jen, are you hiding something?"

Jeno pursed his lips keeping quiet as the elder continued, "still holding a grudge or holding feelings?" He said rubbing the younger's shoulder for comfort.

The red haired swallowed dryly and sighed, "both," he smiled forcefully before leaving the room to head towards the elevator.

Jaemin finishes grabbing his things as he left the dressing room ignoring Donghyuck's annoying glare and Renjun's scolding when he unintentionally slammed the door loudly.

He reaches the elevator and stopped on his tracks seeing Jeno with Xiaojun, the latter having his arms around the red haired.

He watches the two making out carelessly in the hallway with Jeno pressed against the wall beside the elevator. The sight making his stomach churn and felt his head ache from fighting the urge of something.

When the red haired was picked up resulting him to giggle but gasp when he felt a playful squeeze on his butt, Jaemin scoffs and stomps towards them.

He coughs loudly gaining their attention and finally making them stop, thank God. Jaemin didn't know how much he could take anymore before he does something stupid.

"Ready to go?" He asked with his tone bitter and irritated almost making Xiaojun laugh out loud but kept quiet.

He hasn't really met the blond actor properly, not even today. Since the man himself was too busy muttering something or glaring at him. Specifically when he's near Jeno.

It was quite a first impression really, he was expecting some weird flirty comments towards Jeno for himself to witness and maybe the red haired to do something.

But instead he didn't get what he was expecting for, just an awkward moment with glaring eyes and whispered curses aimed at him as the room was full of tension.

Of course he has heard the stories from both of the Lee siblings, but that doesn't mean he fully knows Na Jaemin.

Although, he also could see what Jeno and Donghyuck were talking about how the former's "ex boyfriend" or whatever he is and the latter's ex best friend for being unconsciously possessive whether he owns that cetain thing or not.

He already spotted the details the second him and Jeno entered together, he had his arm around his best friend–whom he has benefits with– as the boy was too busy talking to his brother.

He noticed the glaring eyes and eye rolls from Jaemin who was just sitting there both admiring Jeno and also cursing at him.

He's also not that deaf and dumb even though he failed a few classes back then but whatever, he already heard the conversation between Jaemin and Jeno in the dressing room while he was in the bathroom.

He could hear the desperation, guiltiness, grudges and wants in their voice and the words they chose to speak to each other. It was hiding their true feelings, and it was saddening to witness.

He kept the words and details from the Lee siblings stories in mind, he could atleast know a few things about who Na Jaemin is.

Apparently, the man isn't just Jeno's "ex boyfriend" or shit. From what he has saw and observed for awhile was that Na Jaemin could be someone who is special in Jeno's heart.

Too bad that was ruined.

However, Xiaojun is hoping for something. He just wants his best friend to be happy.

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