ஜ Chapter Twenty

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"so you guys are dating?" Was what Donghyuck asked first when they met up in their changing room, his eyes harden at the sight of his brother and ex-best friend's hands intertwined.

The red haired boy smiled and kissed Jaemin's cheek as he now wrapped his arms on to the blond's bicep, clinging onto him like a koala and a tree branch.

"Yep, we are." Jeno chirped and leans his head on to Jaemin's shoulder.

"That's great! Congratulations–"

The sound of aluminum crumbling together was heard and they all turned around to see Donghyuck crushing the soda can in his grip tightly before throwing it at the trashcan (he missed).

"You?" Donghyuck stood up slowly and then points an accusing finger at Jaemin who chewed his lower lip. "The same son of a bitch that ruined Jeno's life? The same bastard that hurt Jeno more than I've ever thought I have?"


"No!" The tanned male cuts off his lover who tried to stop him, though, he didn't push the elder boy away when he walks over patting his back trying to calm him down atleast.

He then turns back to Jaemin with his glare hardening, "I swear on my life Jaemin, I've told you before and I'll repeat it as much as I can. Stay the fuck away from Jeno."

"Hyuckie stop," the red haired boy said raising his palm up to emphasize his words. "Jaemin likes me."

"And I doubt that," Donghyuck spat with a huff. "What? He's just going to say that after he has another plan? I bet this is all fake again, and I'm not letting you go through the same shit, Jeno."

"But it's not fake!" Jeno protests raising his voice up higher when his older brother started getting riled up.

It was obvious there was still bad blood between Donghyuck and Jaemin. They never made up for the past few months, Donghyuck just fought the urge to do something for Jeno's sake.

As much as he may have been a bit nice to Jaemin, he's still not accepting the blond's relationship with his brother. Not when their history just shows how fucked up this is.

It's not just because of that, but Jaemin practically betrayed him.

After giving his trust for the boy to Jeno and thought there was actually a chance the blond would come to his senses, yet all it resulted was tears, anger, grudge, regret and cut ties, he's not sure anymore.

So having Jaemin back with Jeno's life just like that? Of course he doubts it. Yes, they were best friends, but that was before. Now, they're... Acquaintances, if you will.

"He likes me hyuckie."

"Bullshit Jeno!" Donghyuck remarks ignoring Renjun shushing him from behind, "what if this is all a lie again? What if he's trying to hurt you again? He did it before, I'm sure he can do it again."

"But he's changed!" Jeno tried to convince his protective brother that Jaemin has indeed changed and whatever they had before was some teenage drama, now is the real world.

"For what? For a month or two? Because you changed your appearance and thought, "hey why not try to make Lee Jeno fall for me again before I hurt him because I'm bored"." Donghyuck sneered.

"He's not like that!"

"Jen, stop," Jaemin whispered in to the red haired boy's ear to gain his attention. Due to being riled up and getting in a heated argument with his brother, Jeno ignored him.

"For fucks sake Jeno, you're just letting him in your life again after what he did to you." The elder sibling of the two rolled his eyes.

"You don't get it!"


"No, Jaemin. He's wrong! He's wrong about you!"

"Jeno stop and listen to me!" The blond finally raised his voice, tone stern, and his hands on Jeno's arms shaking him a bit.

Jaemin glances at Donghyuck who was still glaring at them, he sighed and licked his lips before speaking. "Looks, let's go, we had a long day today. I'll drive you home."


"Baby," the blond said gently cupping Jeno's cheek and pecks his nose afterwards. "C'mon, I'll drive you home. We'll talk about this another time, alright?" He tries to convince.

Jeno being Jeno, being the obedient boy he is, nodded stiffly glancing at Jaemin's lips for a moment before looking back up to meet his eyes. "Okay," he mumbled hesitantly.

The elder smiled and nodded before grabbing his and Jeno's bags from the couch as he nodded curtly at the other couple. "We'll see you two tomorrow," he mumbled.

Renjun gave a small sloppy smile gripping tightly on to Donghyuck's arm as if it was a warning for the boy, "drive safe." He said as the new couple left the room.

Jeno presses the elevator buttons harshly, standing with his shoulders down and his arms crossed against his chest with his face all sulky like a kid that wasn't allowed to play.

"Hey, why the long face?" Jaemin cooed gently wrapping his arm around the younger's shoulders as the boy immediately leans onto him.

"It's just... Hyuck is being... Annoying," Jeno answered before adding, "like, in a way I... he's being overprotective... I guess," he mumbled.

The blond hums in acknowledgement, "well you can't really blame him, I did pretty fucked up things to you back then. I was being selfish, so him being overprotective of you is reasonable." He shrugged.

Jeno tsked and looks up at him, "but that doesn't mean he can be all mean to you, he could atleast tell us privately and nicely. Or warm up to us, give us a heads up he's not that happy yet, I don't know... Other ways."

"He's just riled up and stressed, we'll give him time." The elder reassures tightening his hold and pulling the younger closer to him.

The red haired boy sighed, "I'm just mad that he doesn't trust me either, you know?" He pursed his lips. "If he trusted me enough, he'd atleast hear me out instead of interrupting me rudely all the time."

"Give him time, baby."

"I know..." The younger paused and clicked his tongue, "I'm sorry about him." He said sheepishly with his cheeks turning pink making Jaemin coo.

The blond pinched his cheek and chuckled, "don't apologise, baby. It's all on him on what he thinks of us," he shrugged before planting a soft kiss that lingered on Jeno's temple making the boy smile brighter again.

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