Part 6: Relaxed... Finally...

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~Your POV~

You smiled and playfully punched Herobrine's shoulder. He punched you back, but a little harder due to his muscley arms built from mining and sword swinging.

"(y.n)... I'm sorry I... Kidnapped you..." Herobrine apologized, scratching the back of his head, "I... Just... It's what I normally do... Never really known any better... I suppose..."

Herobrine started to turn redder than a Mooshroom. You told him it was fine with your trademark "just don't do it again". Herobrine seemingly rolled his blank eyes.

"I just couldn't believe how much of a jerk Steve could actually be..." you said. You were also going to say because he was so sweet and kind, but you kept that in your head.

"I can still hear your thoughts, you know. There's no point in hiding your feelings," Herobrine informed.

"I know... I just don't want you to think I still love him..."

"It's okay... I guess... If you have feelings for him... I mean, you're only human. Just don't run away,"

Herobrine made an embarrassed smile as you did the same. Herobrine made the cliche yawn and stretched his arm across your shoulders. You thought about Steve and how he must feel now. Heart break, rage, depression.... There's room for failure most of the time, but revenge, failure is not an option. Failure is never an option. For love, there is no room. For revenge, the smallest bit can destroy anyone in its path. For an AI, failure ment delete.

Author's Note: Please don't hate me... I'm trying to take this idea innerwildcat suggested and drag it on fairly long. It's a REALLY good idea and I love it! Thanks for the idea innerwildcat! Anyway, I couldn't do much because I want Steve and his rage to be out of the story for a few parts. But, goodbye my kittens! (Yes. Everybody reading this are now kittens. What? I'm a cat.)

Herobrine x Reader: Failure is Not an OptionWhere stories live. Discover now