Part 15: The Chase is On

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"Whaaaaat?" you asked, extremely annoyed.

Herobrine sighed again. Even longer and louder than before. You grunted again.


It was finally time to go back to Minecraft.

"Daaad!" you called, "I'm going over to my friend's again! And I'm bringing Moe!"

Your father grunted his reply. Finally, off you and Herobrine went, with you holding Moe tightly. You didn't black out that time, and saw that the teleporting process was really quite beautiful. As you were holding Moe, you saw swirling shades of purple all around you, like the night sky when the Milky Way is showing.

"Wow..." you muttered in amazement.

You finally reached the land of Minecraft. You let go of Moe and looked at Herobrine mischeviously.

"Bet you can't catch me!" you told him, "And no teleporting!"

You ran off before Herobrine could utter a word. You suddenly heard thumping behind you and deep laughter as he chased after you. You disappeared behind a door as Herobrine stomped past.

"Oh, I'll find you, (y.n). I'll find you, you little kid," Herobrine said in a mocking tone.

You let out a small snicker. Herobrine couldn't find you. You were so good, no one found you for hours last time you hid. You peeked out of the doorway to see if Herobrine was around anywhere. He wasn't. Good. You ran as quietly as you could to the opposite direction, upstairs.

You hid in a dark corner of the library, waiting. Moe had found you and nearly gave you a heart attack when he showed his pure white muzzle. He padded up to you, happily swinging his tail from side to side as he purred loudly.

"Moe, shush, you'll attract attention," you whispered.

Moe contined purring, but a bit quieter once you started to pet him. Moe circled around you and rubbed his paws all over your face as if to pet you. You just imagined him saying something like "Human, why is your face and rest of your body so smooth, and not fluffy? You humans are weird," if he could talk.

You started to yawn when you found Moe's tail in your mouth.

"Aw... Gross..." you whined in a muffled voice.

Moe mewled.

Herobrine x Reader: Failure is Not an OptionWhere stories live. Discover now