Part 10: Creature

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"Yeah. There's something about this place, ya know? Like some kind of mystery, but I've never been able to solve it," you said in a dreamy tone.

"Well, why not try to solve it today?" Herobrine asked.

"That's a great idea!" you exclaimed.

Herobrine said to go look over by some stumps while he explored never before walked in forest. You darted around and looked like a kid on a sugar high. You looked in tree hollows, tore up some dirt, even sat in a stump and pounced on a bird, unsuccessful of course. You were extatic. Having Herobrine as a friend just filled you to the brim with energy.

"Hey!" Herobrine suddenly called, "Look at what I found!"

You rushed over to Herobrine and stood beside him and looked to the floor where he was pointing. There were human bones! You stared at them for a second.

"These are definetly fresh. Their still completely white, not a trace of weathering or dirt..." you paced around the complete skeleton placed in a lying position, "It's so new that it wouldn't have time to decompose before we found it. I'd say wolves, but they don't put the body back as if it could stand up..." Herobrine flinched, as if expecting it to pull out a bow, "We don't have those here,dummy. Anyway, and there's no teeth marks. Somebody had to rip of all the flesh and organs. Except..." you looked at the skull and picked it up, then wriggled it around, "There's the smoosh sound. There's still a brain inside it, which means--"

"We're being watched..." Herobrine concluded in a hushed whisper.

You went quiet too, and heard footsteps. Your heart beat quickened and you couldn't stop thinking you were going to die. Suddenly, Herobrine grabbed your waist and teleported you out of the forest. You blushed from him holding your waist. Herobrine let go and pulled out a diamond sword.

"Go, whatever that thing is, it wants us. And I can't afford to lose you, (y.n), I don't know what I'd do without you," Herobrine said.

You nodded and bolted off, right as whoever or whatever it was quickened its pace and launched toward Herobrine. You heard screaming and prayed to God that Herobrine can't be hurt in the real world. You continued running until you were about to pass out. Heaving, you looked behind you, hoping to see Herobrine running after you. You didn't see him coming. You sat down next to a nearby tree and stared intently into the distance.

About thirty minutes passed and you spaced out. Suddenly, a whole scenario was created in your head. The scenario where you never met Herobrine.

You were eighteen, playing Minecraft, as usual. You rarely got off the game since you received it on Christmas when you were ten. You had friends there. They liked you for you, not your looks. You had on your favorite skin as you joked around in the chat box with a guy named MoldyToast64, you just called him Toast.

"Hey, have you heard about this guy Herobrine?" Toast's chatbox asked.

"Yeah," you replied, "I've been looking for him for years and never found him,"
"Neither have I, makes you think he really just is a legend,"

"Yeah, that would be cool if he could actually teleport to the real world like a lot of fan fictions say!"

"You read that stuff? Wow, you're a fangirl, aren't you?"

You blushed and typed back, "Yup. You caught me. I have a crush on a video game myth. At least it's more acceptable than the shippers of Herobrine x Steve. I mean, what the hell?"

"Yeah. You've got a point. You know, it would be so cool to meet you in real life! We could start a YouTube account or something!"

"That would be awesome!"

Suddenly, your character got punched from behind. You quickly turned around to find nothing.

"Toast?" your chatbox asked.

A backwards message appeared in the chatbox, with the name Herobrine, "TsaoT t'nsi ereh. TsaoT si daed. M'I gnimoc rof uoy txen, (your user name backwards),"

The real you started to get scared. You made your character bolt to your house. Your character kept getting hurt until it died. You respawned and found Toast standing in front of you with a troll face picture behind you.

"Toast! That was YOU?!" you typed, both angry and laughing at the same time.

"Yup. You can change your username now. Hahaha! Lol! Lololololololol!" Toast's chatbox said.

You imagined Toast doubling over in laughter at his house and you rolled your eyes.

All in all, you led a pretty normal life if you never met Herobrine.

You finally woke up from your imagination to find Herobrine right next to you, heaving.

"You... Need... To... Get out of... Here..." he puffed, "The thing is a Creepypasta. A bad one at that. It's 303. It is not happy with you finding its bones. I tried to reason with it... But it's too pissed off to listen. You need to hide while I go find Slender. He'll know what to do."

"You aren't the only Creepypasta that exists?" you asked, surprised.

"No, now go!" Herobrine pulled you up and pushed you to get you going.

Herobrine x Reader: Failure is Not an OptionWhere stories live. Discover now