Part 27: The Dress

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You were still petting Moe and sticking your face in his chest fur. (I do that all the time. Sooo floofy.) Moe mewled and stuck his face in yours. You continued stroking him. That is, until a tall, no-faced man in a tan shirt with matching pants appeared in your room with a bag of clothes. You screamed and Moe launched off of you.

"Hello (Y/N)! I told you I was gonna make you a new style! Don't tell me you forgot!" Trenderman said happily.

Ugh... He's so happy it's actually sickening... you thought to yourself.

"Um... I guess I did forget... Heh..." you replied.

"Oh well! I got you your new style now!" Trenderman threw the bag of clothes at you, "Go put those on!"

Trenderman shoved you into the bathroom. You grunted, locked the door and changed into the clothes Trenderman gave you. 

"Ugh... I hate when people are more concerned with style than anything else. It's stupid. 'oh! It's winter! Gotta put on my prettiest and shortest dress ever!' Blech," you mumbled.

You finally finished and walked out of the bathroom. You didn't have a smile on your face though.

"Wonderful! Beautiful! You look simply look amazing! Well, I'll be on my way!" Trenderman  leaned in your ear, "Maybe, you could show Herobrine,

With that, Trenderman was gone, leaving you in the sky blue dress, nearly the same colour as Herobrine's shirt. It glimmered and shined in the glowstone light. You walked out of your room to go get some food to snack on. You didn't count on the fact that Herobrine went into the kitchen to do that exact thing as well. You didn't notice him until you closed the fridge and turned around, your hands full of baked potatoes and a steak or two in your mouth. 

Herobrine looked at you in complete awe. 

"I-I-I...." Herobrine couldn't even utter a word. He was completely speechless.

Author's Note: Still feel like crap, but I've been having some good ideas lately. Love ya guys!

Herobrine x Reader: Failure is Not an OptionWhere stories live. Discover now