Part 14: He's So Annoying

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I rolled my white eyes. I went back to (y.n)'s room and Slender went back to do whatever he was going to do.

I tapped (y.n)'s shoulder but she didn't respond. I looked at the game she was playing and she was in an intense round of Call of Duty (Whichever you prefer). She eventually started to scream in her headphones at some guy who must have killed her. I swear she was even more pissed than 303 was. She started screaming curses and when she respawned, she shot everyone in sight and blew up quite a number of people. (y.n) is terrifying when she plays that game.

(y.n) finally noticed my presence and turned around to greet me.

"Hi Herobrine!" she said in the most sweetest tone, completely different from her tone in her game a few seconds ago.

"Hi (y.n)," I greeted back.

"So... How Much longer until we go back to Minecraft?" (y.n) asked.

"Not too long," I replied, glancing over at her clock, "Just a few hours,"

"That's cool," she said in an almost dreamy tone.

"Hey, I was wondering, is it true that you don't have any friends here?"

"Yeah. I don't get out much. I usually busy myself with Minecraft, Pokemon, whatever video game I can get my hands on. It doesn't bother me any,"

"It must get pretty lonely though,"

"Sometimes. But Moe keeps me company, speaking of which... Kitty!"

Moe ran to (y.n)'s lap in the blink of an eye. Those two seriously had a connection. I sighed, wishing I had as much as a connection to (y.n) as Moe did. I was really jealous of that cat. Poor, poor me.

~Your POV~

You sat back and pet Moe like an evil master mind. Moe purred loudly and wagged his fluffy tail.

"You fluffy attention hog," you said, smiling.

Herobrine made another sigh. This time, much louder.

"Whaddya want?" you asked in a bored manner.

"Nothing..." Herobrine replied, sighing again.

You grunted.

Herobrine x Reader: Failure is Not an OptionWhere stories live. Discover now