Part 19: Potions Man. Potions. (ThisHasAnExcessiveAmountOfCussingCautionAdvised)

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Herobrine laughed, "I guess so,"

You both got up and decided to wander off in seperate directions and mingle. You were being stalked by Offenderman. Did Slender invite him, or did he just invite himself? you wondered as Offenderman teleported when he noticed you looking at him. 

"EVEN THINK ABOUT TOUCHING ME, OFFENDERMAN, AND I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AND EAT YOUR HANDS!" you screeched as Offenderman reappeared and inched toward you. He vanished in an instant.

Asshole... you thought to yourself. Jeff came up to you and bumped his elbow into your side. He seemed to have a real smile which just added to his already terrifying look. You squeaked.

"So, already cannibalistic?" he jeered in a tone which you couldn't decide between friendly or rude, "Normally it takes a while for people like you to go even homicidal. Most of 'em we pick up when they're trying to kill themselves. Which I would have been fine with. Less, competition I'd say,"

You tried to speak without studdering, you didn't want Jeff to know you were still scared of him, "Wh-what do you mean by... C-competition?"

"Well, when you become a Creepypasta, you're part of this web and shit. It also ends up being like a pyramid as well," Jeff seemed to be really happy explaining the subject to you. You had no idea why, "The more people who read and like your Creepypasta thing, the higer up in the pyramid you go. Why do you think Slendy's like, the fucking king of us all? In two thousand twelve, his fucking popularity skyrocketed just because of a game! And I'm starting to lose ranks, but, I'm not as low as a lot of Pokemon Creepypastas. Holy shit, there are a lot of those. The less interesting these new Creepypastas are, the higher in rank I go. Simple,"

Jeff suddenly had a look in his eyes, as if he were trying to put two and two together, but didn't quite think they fit.

"Hey, you remind me of someone," he suddenly said.

(Aaaand, Herobrine's POV. -w-) ~Herobrine's POV~

I wandered about and just spoke to some of the other 'Pastas I did like. I saw Offenderman fucking stalking (Y/N) like the perverted prick he is, but (Y/N) scared him off. BEN walked up to me and asked about what was going on in Minecraft, stuff like if there is a Legend of Zelda mod in Minecraft he could haunt and what-not. I sat there thinking to myself and answering his questions with a simple "yes" or "no". Soon  he started going off about how much he hated the game being called the Legend of Zelda and not the Legend of Link.

I just shrugged and was all like: "Japanese people, I guess," (Don't start thinking I don't like Nintendo or Japan. I frickin' LOVE Japan and Nintendo. POKEMANS RULE!)

I laughed a bit, though. BEN, the poor guy, is thought of by Zelda noobs that the character he haunts is named Zelda instead of Link. Why would he want to haunt that specific character anyway? There were so many other ones that were ridiculously over powered and never given a girl's name by noobs he could have chosen. Or fucking gone off to that place called Heaven (Y/N) is always talking about. Now he's either stuck in that code encrusted body forever, or eventually gonna go to (Y/N)'s Hell for making people go insane. I kind of have the upper hand though, I'm just straight up corrupted code that managed to find its way into (Y/N)'s world. But, if Minecraft were to get deleted or whatever, and I'm still in the game, well, fuck.

Anyhoo, I stopped laughing when I saw BEN's face. He must know what I was thinking. Wasn't that hard to guess, I mean, I was laughing and saying random things like "Link" and "Zelda". Ha, you humans think that only your kind can be insane. How else did I corrupt?

BEN scoffed and left like a woos. I rolled my eyes and continued on. I saw more video game Creepypastas, but I decided not to talk to them. They turn into real self-centered pricks when you mention any type of video game. Especially Sonic.exe. 

I keep going off topic... 

I met some of the other Creepypastas and whatever, started talking. This was starting to get boring. And I was going to bring up the hype. Potions, man. Fucking potions. Man, we get high as shit! (This sentence or I do not condone the use of any drugs or underage drinking) I ran off to my potions room to whip up some concoctions and see how many people would turn into rainbows and how many more would turn into fucking shitting unicorns. I made them all and ran out, my inventory full of the potions.

"I've got potions!" I called. Everybody immediately swiveled their heads toward me. Everyone but Sally and Slender ran up to me as I threw one to everybody.

I suddenly heard Slender's telepathinc voice in my head as he answered to Sally's question, "No, Sally, not the kind of potions that Herobrine makes for you, the ones that make you feel better. These are the kind of potions that little girls shouldn't hear or know about. They are very bad potions that make you see things that aren't real," 

Slender said the last several words pretty loud so that I would get the message. I didn't care. 

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