Part 25: Bob!

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"Hey Herobrine," you asked.


"You're immune to everything, right?"

"Yeah, so?"

"So does that mean you're immune to..." you ran up behind Herobrine and poked his sides. He immediately collapsed, "THIS!?"

Before Herobrine could get up, you started tickling him to the point where he was crying.

"Stahp!" he cried, "Stahp! Stahp! Ahaha! Oh Notch, stahp!"

You stopped. "Okay,"

A sly grin spread on your face. Herobrine had an even slyer one.

"What are you planning on doing, Herobrine?"

"Oh, nothing,"

Somehow, you didn't trust him. You glared at Herobrine and walked away slowly. All the while, Herobrine was giving you a stupid, yet evil, grin.

You swiveled your head toward the entrance of the "makeshift" hole you built a couple weeks ago. You were just about to step on the ladder when something jumped on your head and hissed. You gasped and fell to the floor.


"Don't worry, it's only your favorite pet. That's not Moe," Herobrine said.

You got up. "Bob?!"


You picked up the tiny, hissing Creeper. "Oh my Notch! It really is you!" you squeezed Bob tightly.

"How did you get him? I thought he was in your server," you asked.

"Remember?" Herobrine knocked on his head, "Master coder,"

"Oh, yeah. But, you don't like Creepers,"

"I don't, but you seemed so upset when I took you from him. I've sorted my emotions out from the first time anyway. Before, I was a mess,"

"Makes sense,"

You squished Bob in your arms and Bob made the closest sound it could to a purr. After saying "thank you" a million times, Herobrine grabbed your free hand and teleported the two of you back to his house. You set Bob down and he wandered off.

Before Herobrine could say anything, you jumped up and hugged him. He stumbled back a bit, but regained his balance.

"You're soooo awesome!" you said, "Hell, you're even better than I thought you'd be before you took me here!"

~Herobrine's POV~

"Hell, you're even better than I thought you'd be before you took me here!"

The moment I heard those words out of (y.n)'s mouth, the usually harsh glare of white in my eyes softened. Those words were like pumpkin pie and cake smashed together! I squeezed (y.n) and she squeezed me as well. I can't believe how much of a jerk I was when she first came here... How could I have been so nice to her when she was ten?

I suddenly remembered about the consequence for (y.n) staying too long. I needed to find a way to change it. I know she'd like to come back to the real world, but, what if her parents found out? What would her over-protective father try to do? Smash the computer to bits? Lock the poor girl in her room? I decided to think about it later. I don't need to worry her.

Author's Note: Bob the Baby Creeper is BACK. Also, super sorry for the delay! I've been really busy lately, but now I've got time!

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