Part 13: Tame the Beast With Fear

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"Calm down! Stop freaking out or 303 will kill her!" Slender threw his arms up in the air, casting a shadow over me.

I calmed down a tad, just to gain the confidence to run after 303 while Slender teleported in front of it. Slender's long tendrils for tentacles launched out from his back, ready to grab 303. I managed to create a small ball of fire in my hands without burning myself. I continued running as fast as I could after 303.

When it got within grabbing distance of Slender, Slender slithered his black tentacles toward 303 and snagged it. 303 struggled furiously and bit and clawed at Slender's tentacles. I could see Slender flinching in pain, despite his missing facial features.

I finally reached there, ready to let lose all Hell I could create in the real world. Notch, running is hard in real life.

"Don't hurt it. Just scare it from trying to attack (y.n) ever again," Slender told me.

"I will..." I sighed, dimming the fire.

I spurted some flames at 303. It squirmed even more than before. I continued spurting small flames at 303 until it whimpered helplessly.

"Now, do you give up?" Slender asked the defeated 303.

303 whined in reply.

"Good. Now leave Herobrine and the child alone," Slender instructed, but with no sympathy or kindness in his voice.

Slender let go of 303 and it slinked away, back into the forest. Before I teleported back to (y.n)'s and Slender went off somewhere to murder kids or whatever, Slender said something.

"I'm gonna invite some of the Creepypastas over to your place. Just to meet the child," he said.

I imagined Slender having a firmly set, smug grin on his face if he had a mouth. He was calm and collected, and definitely not someone like Jeff... Most of the time...

Herobrine x Reader: Failure is Not an OptionWhere stories live. Discover now