Part 16: Not Him! Oh God, Not Him!

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Author's note: I'm really sick and have been puking a lot. So, depending on when I get better, the stories will probably end up being really short. I don't know that for a fact though, so don't freak out.

You pushed Moe off of you to get his tail out of your mouth. Moe continued mewling, but got much louder. You suddenly heard loud footsteps coming toward you and you curled up in a ball, hoping to not be caught. Sure enough, you got picked up by Herobrine's huge hands. 

"Pretty good hider, but I thought I was chasing you," Herobrine mocked as you unfurled yourself.

"Just 'cause you caught me doesn't mean you get a prize or anything," you sneered.

"If you're not gonna give me one, I'll just take one," Herobrine purred. 

With that, Herobrine kissed you. You struggled for a second, but then just gave up. You closed your eyes to the pleasure when Herobrine pulled away from you. He had that look in his white, nearly devoid of emotion eyes; a mischevious, yet accomplished one. You scoffed and rolled your (E/C) eyes.

"Why don't we watch that cat of yours chase around the Wither Skeletons? It's hilarious!" Herobrine asked in a light-hearted tone.

"Fine," you laughed.

You and Herobrine followed Moe to the Wither Skeletons and watched him chase them around. You decided to do what your mom does when Moe gets his claws stuck in the screen door. 

"Hey! Scratching post!" you called in a deep, yet derpy voice, "Get back here! Scratching posts don't run away!"

Herobrine started to laugh. Moe had caught one of the skeletons.

"Ha! I finally caught ya!" came your impersination of Moe, "H-hey! Stop sha-a-a-king!"

At this point, both you and Herobrine were rolling on the floor laughing. After you stopped, your stomach was hurting and you went to go get some water. You were leaning on the wall, drinking buckets of water when you saw some guy in a white hoodie with jet black hair and a permanent, cut in smile standing in the doorway of the huge kitchen. You spit the water everywhere, which evaporated instantly due to you being in the Nether.

"FUCK!" you screeched.

Herobrine appeared at your side immediately, "What is it?!" 


"It's okay!" Herobrine reasurred, "They won't kill you!"

"THEY?! WHO'S THEY?! GOD DAMNIT I'M GOING TO FUCKING DIE! WHERE'S MOE?! WHERE'S MOE?! MOE! SAVE ME MOE!" you flailed your arms as you screamed.

                                                                           ~Jeff's POV~

This was fucking hilarious! All I needed to do was stand by a door! A DOOR for Hell's sake! She was flailing her arms like one of those Adventure Time characters! What? I watch T.V. It's not my fault I have to watch Cartoon Network with Sally... Like... 24/7. But man! How did she not have a heart attack when Slender came? Probably 'cause she knew Slendy wouldn't kill her. No one know's who I'm gonna kill. I'm a man of mystery. NO HE'S NOT. HE RAN FROM A LITTLE BOY! HA! BEN! I SWEAR TO THE DEVIL THAT WASN'T ME! THAT WAS THE ELF! THE ELF I TELL YOU! THE ELF!

Author's Note: I just had to have Jeff's point of veiw (Yes, that's what POV stands for. Don't worry if you didn't know. I didn't know before either.) in there. It was great writing that last part! Anyhoo, I was wondering... I'm keeping this innocent for the younger readers, but, if you're weird (like me)... I could make another H x R story, but with LEMON. Younger kids, I swear to you, do not, I repeat, DO NOT search up Herobrine x Reader lemon. It will destroy your childhood and innocence beyond repair.

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