Part 17: Flashbacks Can be Terrible Things

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Author's Note: Feeling sooo much better now! Now let us see how much stuff my fried brain can come up with. :3

~Your POV~

You continued screaming and flailing your arms like a maniac. Moe trotted in holding a Wither Skeleton's skull. The Wither Skeleton's body stumbled after him in an attempt to get its head back. You picked up Moe and ran off into your room.

~Herobrine's POV~

This was both hilarious to watch and ridiculous. As the Wither Skeleton's body stumbled after its head, Jeff burst out laughing.

"Oh God Herobrine! I didn't know you picked up a nut job! You'd think she would be fine with it!" Jeff stated, rolling on the floor laughing.

"At least she seems to know you're an ass not to be trusted!" I defended.

"Hey! I'm not the one who tried to set her on fire 'cause she likes those green penis Creepers!" Jeff said in between breaths.

Fire flared in my eyes and I threw a molten ball at that ass hole, "I HAVE ANGER ISSUES, MOTHER FUCKER!"

Jeff patted off the fire in panic, "Obviously!"

I started to run at Jeff, making a diamond sword appear in my hand. Slender teleported behind me and grabbed me.

"Calm down! No killing other Creepypastas! No matter how much of an ass." Slender reasoned.

I struggled against Slender's grip, but he held me firmly. He didn't let go until I finally calmed down.

"I'm going to (Y/N)'s room," I mumbled. And if Jeff follows me, I'm going to fucking set him on fire. Maybe he'll turn purple instead of white this time. I thought to myself.

I teleported to (Y/N)'s room to see her staring at the wall, pupils just small pinpoints and clutching Moe as if her life depended on it. She was terrified.

I knocked on the wall, "Uh, (Y/N)?" 

She was silent. Maybe she was a nut job...

"(Y/N), don't worry. None of them will hurt you. Slender decided to invite himself and the other Creepypastas over. I guess I forgot to mention it. None of them have any intentions of hurting you." I told her.

"N-no... I kn-know that... B-but... The moment I saw J-Jeff's f-face..." (Y/N) trailed off.

"A flashback?" I asked.

"K-kind of... But... It wasn't anything I remembered... And... And my hands... They were... Different..."

I gasped, "You had a vision of your past life... You must have been killed by Jeff!"

"I... I was sleeping in my bed, having some sort of dream about my life just... Ending... Then, I heard my door open and I jerked out of my dream. I saw Jeff, then, pain. Lots of it. Last thing before the flashback ended was the words 'go to sleep' and a maniacle laughter..."

"Don't worry. It's over now. He won't hurt you. If he does, I'll fucking kill him. No matter the rules,"

(Y/N) buried her face in my chest and started crying uncontrollably. I stroked her hair to try to calm her down. She really was scared for her life. I started to wonder, if she had an encounter with a Creepypasta in her most previous past life, what about the others? Was she always destined to be with, be killed by, or even just encounter a Creepypasta? The poor girl might have constant flashbacks...

"You're safe with me," I whispered.

(Y/N) finally stopped crying and looked up at me, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"I... I'm sorry Herobrine... I was scared... I shouldn't have been..." she apologized. 

"Oh, (Y/N), you don't need to apologize. You had a flashback, a horrible one at that. It's not your fault." I reasurred, "Hey, how about we meet the other Creepypastas?" Hopefully... She hasn't already "met" them... 

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