Part 28: Baby

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You waved your hand in front of Herobrine's face. "Um, hello? You okay there?"

Herobrine immediately snaped to his senses. He looked at you in bewilderment.

"Huh? Oh... Yeah, I'm okay. It's just... You're so... Beautiful..." he stumbled over his words.

"Uh huh," you said, completely unaware, just wanting to get out of the uncomfortable dress.

You sauntered past as Moe followed you, swatting at falling potato bits. You continued munching on the steak that was in your mouth. You opened your door and sat down. Moe sat next to you, moving his eyes from you to your buttered baked potato and back to you.

You rolled your eyes and threw him a bit of the potato. Moe meowed and tore into the potato. Once you finished your food, you decided to go change out of the dress. You opened up droors and shifted through different clothes you had brought back from your home. You picked up a basic pair of shorts and a glow-in-the-dark Creeper shirt.

You put Bob on your shoulder and smiled, "We're gonna get 'im good,"

You put on your favorite hat and ran out of your room. Hiding under a table, you waited for Herobrine to walk past. When he finally did, you struck.

"Hisssss!" went Bob as you tackled Herobrine to the ground.

Herobrine screamed, "AIEEEEE!"

He squirmed until you finally got off of him. You gave him a wide grin, "Baby,"

Herobrine x Reader: Failure is Not an OptionWhere stories live. Discover now