Part 3: Love is Processing

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"I-I... Er..." Steve said.

You sighed, "I'm okay. Just... Don't lock me in again."

Steve agreed.

You went to sleep.

                    ~Steve's POV~

She looked so cute as she slept. She had her... Moments... But (y.n) could never cease to be adorable.

Before, I did like (y.n)... I mean, who wouldn't like her? Now, though, I think I... I loved her... It was hard for my programming to process that emotion though. It was something I hadn't felt, well, ever.

I went to my bed to think. It ended up being a long night.

                      ~Your POV~

You woke up with a deep, long breath. It had been about two weeks since Steve had locked you in the house. You had stopped being on guard about Steve.

You also had lost much of the initial love you had for Steve when you first met him. Steve had been friendzoned. Steve, though, was acting odd. He would jump in front of you if a sheep started to "attack" you. Steve was also becoming very clingy. Everywhere you went, Steve went. Now I know how Steve felt, you thought to yourself.

You kept walking on with Steve close behind you, stabbing anything that moved. You quickened your pace a bit, just to avoid getting stabbed yourself.

"Hey... (y.n)... Wait up..." Steve puffed after you.

You slowed down, realizing you were at a run.

"Oh... Sorry," you apologized.

"Why were you running in the... First... Place...?" Steve stood there, jaw dropped.

"What?" you asked.

Steve pointed up. You looked and saw what appeared to be a normal floating island, but something was off. Something was terribly, horribly, off.

Author's Note: MUAHAHAHAHA! Cliff hanger! I'm sorry, but I just love those. xD

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